
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:48:06
攀枝花以后还会不会有地震 ,会不会有危险 请用more difficult、more exciting、more careful、more interesting、more……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………造十组句子!如上 攀枝花还会地震吗?我想知道攀枝花还会有地震吗6级以上的! 近期攀枝花市还会发生几级地震? I like go swimming in summer,请划出句子中错误的地方请找出以下句子中错误的地方!I like go swimming in summerJeff wants to play in a band.There is no bookshops near my school.My books is my most precious things.We often listen mu I believe that he his too much yin(否定句) I ( )( )tI believe that he his too much yin(否定句)I ( )( )that he ( )too much yin. I believe he has too much money的否定形式?究竟是I don't believe he has too much money,还是I don't believe he have too much money?用has 还是 have呢? "同学会"用英语怎么说? 同学会 的英语怎么说? “同学会”的英文怎么说 属于我们的同学会用英语怎么说 I said we are only good friends,but friend's line we have stridden over In summer I like to go (swim)with my father. Can you believe that in _ a rich country there should be _many poor people?A.such suchB.such so选哪个,然后着重说一下so 和such 的使用规则 英语有这个音标[ju:如果有,这该怎么发音? In that country,the rich__richer,the poor,poorer 26个英文有哪些发的音标是/ju/ 有3个 I said "You said you were chatting with your girl friend called AiJi and you will give me some pictures as soon as you stop chatting." just now.Can you understand it?翻译 I said "You said you were chatting with your girl friend called AiJi and you will give me some pictures as soon as you stop chatting." just now.Can you understand it?翻译 帮忙起个女英文名女名,本名拼音 :Yu 可以按照本名读音取,自己写,别复制粘贴一大堆,个性但不怪异那些什么Mary Amy ,Ann 可以闪了,曾经取过Anya ,Yuki 后来觉得都不怎么样 音标 ju怎么读,给个土音,和对应,熟悉的单词 I think his rise in status is well worth the lose of money but he fells that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money.这里的rise后面为什么用in, 门后面的那把椅子是她的吗?不,是我的,就用英语怎么说? 一说吓一跳-----用英语怎么说呢 帮我取2个英文名.男的Y字母开头.女的要L开头的.要好听的. friends--band of skulls 的歌词如题 Which/that的选择 The death of the leader of the band (which/that)performed badly. 用went to a park和watched TV造句,一个过去式,一个现在式. went 造句 英语是不是所有学科中最简单的啊? 英语是不是简单