
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:00:59
L often m______ my friend in superamrket. 填词My friend don t think I m f----上文大概是说我要减肥,我要强迫自己吃对的东西,但My friends don' t think I' m f----,因为这会使我sick. 英语阅读理解填词My father has a friend.My father has a friend.his name is jack.he has a twelve-year-old daughter mary.uncle jack t()(51) his daughter to a clothes store and b()(52) her a beautiful sweater.mary likes it very much but she doesn 唱歌的英文怎么写? 唱歌的英语怎么写?打算的英语怎么写? [唱歌]用英语怎么写 nice meeting you 英语基础的问题nice meeting you 这里的meeting是用的动名词还是现在分词形式呢?如果是现在分词形式那是省略 i 如果是动名词 那这里为什么要用动名词形式呢?还有一句 nice pumping int 食品这两个字如何解释用最快的速度回答我‘‘‘快来啊‘‘‘‘包送‘‘‘ 现在分词做状语 nice meeting you这是做状语吗 如果是是什么状语那 nice to meet you 这里是做状语吗 那是什么状语 不是的话是什么 he has always been a good neighbour和he is a good neighbour有什么区别?两种时态意思一样吗? 关于马云的一句话,在我刚开始创业的那个时候,有人说如果阿里巴巴能够成功,无疑是把一艘万吨巨轮从喜马拉雅山脚下抬到珠穆朗玛峰顶,我就要让他们看看我是如何把这艘万吨巨轮从珠穆朗 1.to sleep.you health,too late,It'sbad,at night,for.(连词成句)2.用所给词适当型式填空 Let's not (空)(play)basketball in the classroom,shallwe? Sleeping to late is bad for your health中Sleeping可不可以换成sleep ( )sleep too late.lt's bad for your health.1.do 2.not 3.don't 4.please not did you buy __ in the supermarketA.somethingB.anything.C nothing Look at the of our school.中间填什么 Look at the pictures of our scool.The What did you buy in the supermarket?I bought______ eggs and a fish.A.5 kilo of B.5 kiloC.5 kilos of D.5 kilos my mother often (goes to the supermarket) on weekend(对括号类部分提问) 单项选择 My mother often goes to the supermarket___to buy things.A.in B.near C.nearby D.into如题 翻译成英语:我认为这不是个好主意 回想的近义词 look 我是一个普通人,但是我的梦想是上月球,预计20年后,月球旅游也需要200万美元,如何实现? 关于我的梦想是来一场说走就走的旅行的作文每个人都有梦想 而我的梦想是旅行,说走就走的旅行.这样的开头. 谁知道《超越自我》是谁写的?姓刘的 武汉新航道雅思怎么样啊?我想报新航道雅思暑假课程,不知道他们有没有封闭班或者一对一之类的? 英语翻译Der „kleine“ Schluck für Ihr WohlbefindenOriginal KNORAR - Jetzt auch als Pauer EssenzIn unserer neuen KNORAR Pauer Essenz ist eine sehr hohe Zahl von besonders aktiven lebendigen Brotsäurebakterien enthalten (u.a.der Bakter 英语翻译Trabant When I try to understand __________that prevents children from getting fat,it seems to me that there two reasons.a.why it is b.what it is 为什么不选A?要选B?Please tell me _________you want your coffe,black or white?a.how b.which 为什么选A? Who is at home at the_____ 空处应填什么 有一天,王安石请朋友王吉甫猜迷语,他说:画时画,写时方,冬时短,夏时长.王吉甫沉思片刻即猜出此谜.:东海有条鱼,无头又没尾,去掉脊椎骨,便是谜的底.这是什么?