
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:24:01
很好的沟通和应变能力用英语怎么说呢 英语翻译 谈判过程是训练人应变能力的过程 主持人应变能力回答好会加分的.急!在节目主持中会出现一些特殊情况怎么处理?1、 在观众参与的“露一手”绝活的环节,小伙子几次做“空手劈椰子”都失败了,主持人怎么办?2、 在晚会上采 牙齿的广告词求求了***要八个字的 比如保护牙齿 从小做起 现在就要快 请问 英文翻译 ,算了 随便你 这英文如何说 是不高兴的语气,请勿翻译机器 英语翻译:"随便你来不来找我,如果可以就看看我们之间会发生什么,不可以就当来作客的好了,顺其自然就好" what would you like ___ your pizza A on B at C with D for what would you like ( B.on pizza? What would you like on your pizza?----Oh,____ and ____ please.A.pepperonis,onions B.cheeses,olives C.cheese,tomatos D.pepperoni 今天早上我们上学迟到了.翻译. " 随便你" 这句话用英文怎么说?我要对一个很自以为是的人说!It's up to you 英语中“随便你了!”怎么说呀?比如:别人问:今天我们吃什么饭呀?我回答随便你啦! 在英语本上英语的格式怎么写要画出三线格,并在上面写上英语字母 英文的风格怎么写 (风格)用英文怎么写 英语格式怎么写?抄写英语单词(五遍) --What__pizza would you like?--I'd like a small one.A.other B.else C.size D.kind{why?} < >___rice would you like --Small,please.A.What size of B.What size bowl of 选什么?Why? Would you like one small pizza _____(有) mushroom? 谁能帮我一次说出100句生日祝福语 今天早上她上学没有迟到 用英语怎样翻译 我想知道今天为什么你上学又迟到了.翻译成英语 南京青奥会会徽上面的 ’YOG-DNA‘ , What would you like___the pizza? C.of D.on (个人觉得应该是on吧) She is such a kind girl that we all like her改同义句 She is ___ little girl that all of us like herA so a B such aC veryD too His brother always 【watch】 TV in the morning His brother likes to watch him_basketball every Sunday morningA.plays play C.played He likes to watch TV in his _______(空闲的)time.He likes to watch TV in his _______(空闲的)time.Very ______ (少)people walk to work. 1、His borther likes watch TV every evening.就划线部分提问2、His borther has lunch at school.改为一般疑问句 what kind of drinks would you like?为什么? 用所给词的适当形式填空 My cousin likes____(eat) prawns very much