
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:13:51
海日生残夜,江春入旧年蕴含着怎样的生活哲理 “what's that in the n_____picture?”那个空怎么填? What's that in the picture?A,a elephant B,an elephant C,the elephant --What's that in the picture?--It's _____ animal.It's a dog.A.a B.an C.the D./是B还是D 为什么呢?求教了 54.She's fainted.Throw some water on her face and she'll _____.A) come round C) come on B) come along D) come out There are fewer and fewer wild animals in our country,and some of them even will die out对吗 she washed her face ——and had some milk……填什么 Some animals in our country are_____ e开头的 钳子是什么机械 它的工作原理 英语翻译什么用法?这句话是女主人说的,that gril是女仆.这里的's是is还是has 为什么? The bird was lucky that it just missed__________.A.bo be caught B .being caught The robber was lucky that he just missed()A catching B to be caught C being caught选哪个 为什么 The wild rabbit was lucky that it just missed_____(catch). 有一个绕口令 第一句是 我说你猜 那是什么绕口令 The teacher told us to read English more.同义句转换 Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the morning. 英文翻译--我打算带他去体育中心打羽毛球 对你来说,按时完成作业很容易 词组辨析1 influence effect 2 located situated lies 几个词组辨析알았어요/알겠어요/알고 있어요.뵙다/찾아뵙다-구나/-는구나暂时只有以上三个 辨析词组WILL BE GOING TO SHALL 3者的用法以及区别两三句话的走开. My teacher always makes me ____(do)too much homework 词组的辨析请问一下at hand和in hand这两个词组有什么区别啊.请举几个例子, The teacher made students do many problems.改为被动语态 短语辨析get back from ,get out of ,get away ,get off ,各有什么区别啊? Do the workers build many buildings?将句子改成被动语态 钳子里的物理原理 安全钳的工作原理 All the pupils have read this storybook.Their English teacher has read this storybook,too.改为同义句____ ___all the pupils ___ ___ their English teacher has read this storybook. 1.兽医经常关心有病的动物2.他在班上跑的最快 李大钊的一篇文章,题目《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界,平原无际,一泻千里.有时流到很逼狭的境地,两岸丛山叠岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于其间,回环 fill out 是词组吗,请解释意思,最好可以举例说明