
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:57:32
Human facial expressins differ from those of animals in the degree_____they can be conrolled on purpose.这一道横线上填的是to which .语法方面的问题不用讲了.我只想问一下这里用的是to the degree 这个短语吗?它的意思 21岁了还可以去学英语吗 本人21岁要学英语!说起来很纠结,中学一直在补习班 但是天性贪玩,补习班学里两年里..天天逃课..去上网...现在想学习英语,是从基础开始,语法一点不会,单词量不超过10个,音标会1/3 ...不知从 函授大专生可不可以考英语4级?除了4级外,还可以考些什么? 函授本科能考国家英语四级么?在读函授 函授本科想考英语四级,如果可以怎麼报名? 考函授本科是否需要考英语四级 joc今年13岁了用英语怎么说 我今年十三岁了 用英语怎么说 1.A nature reserve for whiteflag dolphins was set up in1992,___boats have been prohibited from sailing since then.A,where B,when2.We ___that all the decisions and plans adopted Will play an important role in the development of the great cause.A.are c several ——are still watching the traffic on may dayA hundreds policesB hundred policeC hundred polices I shall never forget the days _______ I lived in the country with my friends.A.that B.whichC.when D.at which请清楚地写出原因,最好把这几个选项的差别解释出来, “会有人一直监督着你的”用英语怎么说 cet6什么时候考 一段文字英语翻译自行车为俄国人发明.1801年9月的一天,俄国农奴阿尔塔莫诺夫骑着自己制造的木制自行车,行驶2500公里,赶到莫斯科向沙皇亚历山大一世献礼.阿尔塔莫诺夫制造的自行车与法 英语翻译一个人久了,会懒得恋爱一个人久了,朋友会越重要一个人久了,会越来越喜欢听歌一个人久了,就会养成一个怪癖一个人久了,对爱情会越来越挑剔一个人久了,除了寂寞点外还是蛮开心 英语翻译“当我现在再站在人生的十字路口时,我学会了总结,凭着自己积累下来的宝贵经验,做出了正确的选择.”不要那种中式的英语啊~还有那种用词典翻出来的奇怪的东西…快! He tried his best to make the novel( ),but it's difficult.A.completedB.completeC.be completedD.completing应该选B,但我觉得A对:completed和novel不应该是被动关系吗? 1、 The stronger the coffee is,------.A、 the more I like B 、the better I like it C、 I like it better D、I like it more2、 Tired of the noise ,--------------.A,the door shut B,the door was shut C,he shut the door D,he had shut the door3、He 帮我讲一道英语选择题Leaders of most countries in the world attended the UN meeting ____in South Africa earlier this year.A.to be held B.to hold C.held D.holding正确答案选C.为什么?我选的A.为什么不对?请讲清楚些~ 一道英语选择题,谢谢啦!讲出为什么,谢谢!We could't eat in a restaurant,because ( ) of us had ( ) money on bus.A. all;no B.any;no C. none;any D.no one;any 选择:(_____) 道理:(____________) 选什么说原因一道选择题英语········—Did you watch the movie 2012 last night?—I had planned to,but it____hard all the time.A.is rainning B.was rainning C.has rained D.had rained 英语翻译南希·霍普金斯(Nancy Hopkins) 是麻省理工学院(MIT) 的生物学教授.她渴望知识,努力工作.然而作为一名科学家,她不能不注意到校园里男女不平等(gender inequality)的各种表现.男女教授做同 英语翻译【英语口语测试题:is your mom equal with you dad in your family?】我大体构思了一下汉语,请翻译成英语,可以修改,事实上,在我家里爸爸和妈妈是否平等是看情况而定的。凡是大事都是父亲 英语翻译There are people who believe that for a society to cohere there must be a strong consensus as well as unity and discipline.Therefore we must not overemphasize the importance of criticle thinking which is bound to result in confusion and q 英语翻译 英语翻译本文由四章组成:第一章是引言部分,提出了写作原因及文章的大概结构;第二章介绍了语言迁移现象及其种类;第三章是本文的重点所在,分析了出现在高中生英语写作中的负迁移 英语翻译一段文字先明白了‘任重而道远’的艰难,自然不轻易灰心失望了.凡是轻易灰心失望的人,都只是不曾认清他挑的是一个百斤的重担,走的是一条万里的长路.今天挑不动,努力磨炼了总 六级三点考到几点 六级什么时候考 The children cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful ballons _______ slowly into the sky.A) floating B) raising C) heaving D) ascending For many patients,institutional care is the most _______ and beneficial form of care.A) persistent B) approp 英语两道选择题求选择的理由就是写过的答案的两道题