
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:54:13
英语:This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.上面的句子是不是定语从句,This dictionary as you think. This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think为什么这句的as...as中间不是副词,而是形容词呢?判断中间加副词或者形容词要看哪里啊,跟后面的think有没有关系呢? 34 --why did you persuade me___this dictionary --because i think it useful for you.a to sellb selling cto buy d buying请翻译句子和选项并加以说明原因 请你模仿唐都长安城的模型设计东都洛阳的城市格局 唐长安城的城市功能 女人应该怎样活才有意思 金三练I don’t buy kitty the same presents as Amy did.I want to buy different something错在哪? I don't want to buy the same things as Amy did Lily doesn't want to buy__same present__Lucy did填空 What does Amy want to buy? 填冠词.2.This is a useful dictionary,I think.So it is,and it's( ) unusual one. 初三化学金属问题 学霸进啊如果滤液里没有某种金属的阳离子 那么滤渣中是否一定有该金属或者如果滤渣中没有该金属 那么滤液中是够一定有该金属的阳离子 请举例说明哦 万分感 中国各朝代为什么喜欢在长安、洛阳、北京建都?这三个地方都是千年古都,和地理位置、风水、人文有什么关系么?像南京、济南、徐州、荆州武汉这些地方也是中国古老的重要城市,为什么定 中国历史上建都朝代最多的城市是洛阳,共有14个大王朝在这里定都,而西安只有13个. 有几个王朝在长安建都,洛阳呢?有事实证据说明国史大纲中钱穆先生的见解定都长安与洛阳王朝的发展趋势么? 洛阳建都的朝代多还是长安建都的朝代多? a bit of 和a bit 是什么区别? a bit 和 a bit of 有什么区别问题补充: 初三化学 27题 哪位学霸愿意帮下忙 初三化学,学霸有木有 英语翻译 some people think it impossible to control the population growth.为什么用growth?to grow可以吗 选择:Some people think it impossible to control the population growth .Some people think it impossible to control the population growth .ButI don't quite agree with them.We should make people know that it is foolish _____ them to bring too many chi 选择:Some people think it impossible to control the population growth .ButSome people think it impossible to control the population growth .ButI don't quite agree with them,because _____,there is a way.A. there's willB. where there's a willC. there Some people think it impossible to control the population growth.It is /was +adj.to do sth 是不定试做主语的常用句型.这里为什么用it impossible而不是it's impossible It's a bit strong of him to do so.翻译我知道的,但我不大明白这里的结构,比如bit这里是做什么词性的啊,of是做什么词性的啊,麻烦有哪位高手帮我分析一下这里的结构 I can't do it myself.I need____help.A.a bit ofB.a lotC.a little of D.a bit 问几个初中英语问题1.thousands of ,thousands and thousands of哪个是[成千上万] 哪个是[数以千记] 或者都一样? 区别在哪里?2.be famous for /be famous as/be known as/ be known for四个短语都是[以.为著名]的意 请教几个初中英语问题1.your与yours之区别(我查字典它们的词性咋一样的额...)举出例子2.Let's make it (...) half past eight on the morningof june 21..为什么括号内可不填?3.not only..but also...后面的BE动词是不 对于隐形战机下列问题中与化学无关的是()A隐形战机是用什么材料制成的B制作隐形战机的材料有什么性质C隐形战机为什么会隐形D怎样合成隐形战机的隐形材料 1.请问WHAT和HOW开头的感叹句之间区别.帮忙列出句型.2.求教sometime (some time) sometimes之间区别.3.求教join (join in) (take part in)之间区别.4.offer与其它"买" 之间的区别.最好能帮举出点例子!..... 1.帮我分析一下下面两个句子:I think it is a good idea to ......I think it good to ......哪个对?抑或两个都对?2.He works hard at his lessons.I often see him ____ books in roomA.read B.reading3.____ is your teacher?-The one stangin