
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:49
国办发 2002 85号重庆市人民政府国办发 2002年 85号文件 知识的大门被勤劳的孩子打开了.(修改病句) 英语问提,今日内答复!请把下面的句字翻译并把空填上.(以下“,”均在上面,因为打不出) Gao Wei is a good_____.He____everyone in school should____the ruies.He comes to school______.He listens to his teacher____.He neverm 高兴的,好的,现在,的英语怎么读? 国办发(2002)35号文件的全文是什么? 明电是什么意思 plants ( ) in spring manufacturing,industry有区别吗 Manufacturing industry怎么读 constrution of steel manufacturing complex How to shortern the total Lead Time of manufacturing industry?As title indicates He planted a tree in the corner of the garden.这句话对不对? English难题今天一定要回答短文改错1000 years ago the world's population was very__________little For severalthousand years it grow quite fast________But during the last three or four bueasea years if grew __________very quickly Today it s 急 今天就要!1.with/so/mandy/tony/is/angry/why 2.paper/belong/these/ryan/pieces/to/of3.bad/eyes/staring/the/your/sun/at/is/for4.in/in/was/i/1992/born/hong kong5.holiday/some/the/the/before/books/you/from/borrow/library/can6.from/face/different/fa 请英文好的进来帮挑挑错下面是我的英文简历,不知道写的有没有错误,请英文好的帮忙看下,谢谢majors:Analog Electronic Technology 、Digital Electronic Technology、Automatic Control Theory、Modern Control Theory、Mi 现在就要1 昨天我们参加了运动会.we____ ______in the sports meeting yesterday.2 你淋湿了吗?Did you ______ _______? What is the naem of this he pianted a tree in the corner of the today is___(date),it will be ____(date)请问横线中怎么填? i'll come and see you in london ,() thehance括号里填give 什么形式?为什么? barron3500词汇覆盖barron800词汇吗? 请问barron3500个单词在哪本书的什么位置?barron800呢?最好给出书的全名, There are about two hundred restaurants in Chinatown in New York. 我想写一本小说 但是不知道写什么内容 有没有人可以给我点提议? 英语单词trip是什么意思? 英语占地多少平方米怎么说 占地100平方米,用英语怎么讲? Raymond 发音音标 raymond发音d不用发出来吗? 世界最高峰位于什么边境 ACHE 和ach 是什么关系 提意见用英语怎么说