
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:07:38
翻译!根据规则他两都可以参加比赛.(according to) 英语翻译同上 Did you _____ your weekend?_____did you go? 辩论赛的一般步骤和规则RT 英语翻译It seems,according to research,that most of us make many personal and even business decisions that are not based much on what we think is the best choice.We think that we're making the best choice,but we anticipate feeling regret about ch 辩论赛:人为了自己而活着(正方)告诉我该提出哪些观点和反驳反方的观点(反方:人为了别人而活着) 人活着为了自己还是他人 辩论题 找素材这是一个论文题,甲方:人活着为了自己乙方:人活着是为了他人尽量给甲方找素材 辨证甲方 乙方不许辩论搜甲方素材 一天 我需要找的是 甲方的观 姓郑的英文可以怎样写 郑写成为英文!要英国式英文、香港式英文、韩国式英文……越多越好! 上面写着.用英语怎么拼? It is not _____books you read but the way you read them ____decides how successfully you gainknowledgeA the number of ;/ B a number of;/C a number of ;that D the number of;that ‘其他一些人’除了可以用‘other people,the others’,还可以用什么表示 They tell me about it.(改一般疑问句) 毛巾的英语写法, They p_______ them to tell their friends about new products. 毛巾的英语 s_a_f 关于毛巾和毛巾外贸英语方面的书籍..2种噢.毛巾一种.毛巾外贸英语是另一种噢..关于这2种方面的书籍...有好的推荐下. 还要带好一块毛巾,英语翻译? We can read books and n__ here.这里n开头的单词是什么 是you canread books here.you can .是you canread books here.you can .you can .you can .you can't draw on the books.you can't .you can't .为图书馆制定规则用英语 yan can come and read boos here and you must keep very You can sit and read the books here if you___Acan Bwill Cmay Dmust应该是什么啊,为什么呢, 我心有猛虎细嗅蔷薇 的英文RT 我心中有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇的外文原句是什么?作者是谁? 32 .There’s more than _ books on the shelf A hundreds of B hundred C .hundred of D .a hundred 为何说More than two hundred of the students have 为何说More than two hundred of the students have read the bookt hundreds of the students ha问题补充:为何说More than two hundred of the students have read the book.而不说More than hund 鲁迅《自嘲》寓意 ( )friend do you dance with at the party? 鲁迅自嘲的意思 other的所有格是不是others'? other+n.等于others吗other,others,the other有什么区别? 请问“毛巾”这个英语单词怎么写?