
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:45:38
英语单词写法the united kingdomthe united states写出这两个单词的正确写法这两个单词的写法我不太清楚谢谢 这个英语单词这样写法对吗?story bookstory-bookstorybook那个写法才对,顺便说明理由一般单词是什么格式的,应该注意什么,一般在英语文章中好像很少出现(-)这个符号,还有英语书和数学书、语 求解答英语填空 英语填空求解答.. 快速填空英语,2.It is _________.Mr.Jackson is in his _________.He and his wife _________ _________ breakfast.They are _________ at the table.Mrs Jackson _________ look well.Mr.Jackson notices it.He asks,“What is _________ _________ with you? 英语填空求解答 几道英语填空we hear the girl sing every morning(改为被动语态)The girl ____ ____ ____ ____(by us)every moringIt's impossible for the boy to carry the heavy box.(改为同义句)It's ____ ____ the boy can carry the heavy boxsupproting cha Thanks for inviting me to dinner.I'm f__I felt t___ sorry for doing thatHe ___(使就座) himself in the sofa,reading a newspaper. 英语填空备选栏:day week month year 1.seven( )s=one( )2.four( )s=one( )3.twelve( )s=one( ) 急啊——————………………!关于英语填空的!Tea is a kind of d_____.people often talk about it.There are different k____ od tea in the w____.it usually g____ on hills .Tea is very p____ in different parts of China .It is also pop 英语,填空 选词填空.词:took、climbed、food、saw、older、sang、happy、old、mountains、had、take、haveYesterday I ___ a mountain with my cousin Tom.Tom is 13 yeare _____.He is year____ than I.We took some___ and drinks withus And Tom took his ca 这对夫妻用多年的积蓄在城里买了一栋大房子.___ ___ ___ they saved for years,the couple bought a big house in the city.最好讲讲问什么,我觉得这题好像不缺什么.. 1英语填空、、速度!谢Have you taken your t____? 英语填空,1,2题 英语填空题、速度、在线等He often c____ his students when they make mistakesWe should speak to other people ____(有礼貌地)What a ___ (有礼貌的)childIf you find my book.please r___ it to meHe has got a cold.He ____(咳嗽)a lotTakin 英语填空题:let's __(go) to see a film together after school.she likes ___(play) colleyball.she often plays it with her friends on sunday.his father is a good swimmer.he is good at __(swim).my father loves __(watch) tv in the evening.his parent 八下英语填空,速度Ken'father is very happy because he will have a b___ job and work in a different p___ of HongKong soon. so Ken and his brother will have to change s___ next year. but Sam's father isn't so happy because he will have to m___ 英语填空题!速度Tell me the____(true)The famous____(design)gave us a talk in the hallSo he would___(possible)get the first prize in the next reading contestBecause of his____(care)He made the ___(decide)that he went there by trainChild Daily h 几个英语填空题, 英语选择填空,求解答 选择填空,英语.1.i haven’t been here for years.---I don’tthink it is___.a.those long ago b.ago those long c.that long ago d.ago that long2.he looks so old.he must be at least_____.a.the fifty and the sixty b.fifty and sixty c.fifty or sixty 英语填空选择, 英语 选择填空 高一的英语选择填空(求解答)this letter was sent by_______ A.a friend of my father’s B.a friend of my father但是为什么选A,B不可以吗? 2.the laboratory assistant recorded the ___ reactions(反应).A.mo 英语翻译 “你的生日是哪天?”用英语怎么说?还有“是哪个星座的?”“什么血型?”“最喜欢的颜色是什么?”最好把十二星座的英文也告诉偶一下, 你的生日是几月几号吗?(用英语怎么说?) 我的生日是几号?用英语怎么说?问一种商品的价格是多少?用英语怎么说?我是1976年3月15日。 在31号下午用英语怎么说 1号又可以回家了用英语怎么说 “6月1号做的某某实验测试数据不能通过”翻译成英语怎么说