
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:14:23
【初三数学几何题】16、如图,在梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,AB=CD=AD=2,∠B=60°.点E是AB的中点,以DE为边向右如图,在梯形ABCD中,AD‖BC,AB=CD=AD=2,∠B=60°.点E是AB的中点,以DE为边向右下方作正三角形DEF,边EF、DF分 It is not good________(watch)TV too much. it is too much of a good thing求解释too much的意思? eating too many is not good 为什么不用 too muchthanks 有一块半径为2的半圆形钢板,计划剪裁成等腰梯形ABCD它下底AB是圆O的直径,上底CD的端点在圆上,写出这个梯形周长y和腰长x间的函数关系式,并求定义域 有一块半径为2的半圆形钢板,计划剪裁成等腰梯形ABCD的形状,它的下底.有一块半径为2的半圆形钢板,计划剪裁成等腰梯形ABCD的形状,它的下底AB是圆O的直径,上底CD的端点在圆周上,写出这个梯形 42.During this battle some soldiers were wounded ,and some _____.A.miss B.missed C.missing D.to miss可我觉得选B,and连接两个并列句,应该选个词做谓语 Some of our soldiers ( )by the enemy during the warA.were hanged B.were hung应该选哪一个 已知不等式2x-a3的解集为-1 新知中学初二年级准备买10个笔袋,每个笔袋配x(x大于等于3)支水笔作为奖品,A、B两家超市,每个笔袋标价都为20元,每支水笔标价都为1元,现A超市所有商品打九折,B超市买1个笔袋送3支水笔1.如 Some shops open _____10a.m.and 3:30p.m.during the Spring Festival holidays.A.at B.between C.from D.among为什么不能选B要选A? 设x为自然数,试判断4x+4+x(x+1)是质数,还是合数?说明理由 回答就给10分!初二数学问题! The expression on the girl's face showed that she was greatly .The expression on the girl’s face showed that she was greatly .A:terrified;terrifying B:terrified;terrified C:terrifying;terrifying D:terrifying;terrified 并解释原 her pale face suggested that she ______the sad news.should be told should have been told was told had been told the look on that girl's face when she was able to do it herself meant the sun to (请不要从字面翻译,要注意语境意思) The girl still remembers that she was too nervous _______she gave a speech in the face of such aA.at the first timeB.the first timeC.or the first time D.at first 现在分词短语可以做其他短语的定语? 求ABCD梯形面积? 求梯形面积ABCD 在梯形ABCD中,E为对角线AC上一点,AE等于6厘米、CE等于7厘米,三角形ABE面积为21平方厘米,三角形CDE面积为14平方厘米,那么梯形ABCD的面积是多少? 求梯形 ABCD的面积. I entered the classroom,I found some students_____ (watch )TV some ancient coins were ( )when they were building the new house.A.foundB.found outC.discovered V+to do V+doing V+to do V+doing V+sb to do sth 找出这些动词快啊重赏 非谓语动词里有是to do要么是doing要么是sb to do sth的形式,感非谓语动词里有很多要么是to do要么是doing要么是sb to do sth的形式,感觉好复杂,有没有好的方法去掌握呢,记得话很容易忘啊,还是靠做 现在分词作后置定语怎么用啊?什么时候可以用它?是现在分词短语作后置定语怎么用啊 现在分词作定语后置There is a child crying. 单个现在分词为什么不在名词前 there is a crying child 关于成长的烦恼,我们交流下PS:我是男生. What were you ____ ____ in the yard yesterday evening?(用find out,find或look for的适当形式填空) we were curious to find out what had happed.这里的what是是用法,为什么这样用 It's no good smoking.(普通行为) It's not good for you to smoke here.(具体行为)、good、在两句话中分别作什么成分、不是、use,good,waste,fun,shame,unseless等名词作表语时,常用it作主语,且真正的主语必须用do