
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:51:04
挖一条24千米长的水渠.第一周挖可全长的2/5.余下的第二周挖完.地二周挖了多少前米?列式计算 某某村要挖一条长5分之4千米的水渠,已经挖了10分之3千米,再挖多少米正好使已挖的长与全长的比是1比2 国学热的发起者是谁有米有? The shoes in our store are all of good quality,so you can choose ( )you like.A.whicheverB.whatever Three trees can do the job of 15 air conditioners running almost all day.中文翻译 an amount of与amount of 的用法与区别? a number of与an amount of的区别及意义要详细一点噢,急这算什么区别,我要考试了, 国学热是什么时候出现的 已知数a与数b是互为倒数关系,则a与b() A正比例关系 B反比例关系 c不成比例关系 把一个圆柱体削成最大的圆锥体.削去的部分与圆锥体的体积之比是()A3:1 B2:1 C2:3 D1:3 1、Green space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban envir2、Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject to start with the proof of this idea.3、At present it i Mr.Green often went to Japan to see his daughter by air.(同意句改写) Mr.Green ____ to ____toJapan to see his daughter. Last Wednesday,Mr.Green took his class to the Space Museum.There ____many things about space.空格内填什么?are 还是 were?课本有一篇是这样的:A:Kangkang,where shall we go?B:Whate about West Hill? I have been there before.It [i 什么是世界观和价值观? 如果要制作一张安全手抄报那应该取什么题目?内容为安全性的 安全知识手抄报怎么设计?不要太花哨, 也不要太幼稚, 急!主要是版面设计! Lots of people in urban areas are now concerned about the quelity of the air they ___ (breath).括号中的词变为适当的形式填入空白处,略作说明,顺便翻译一下句子. 假如你去商场买件蓝色衬衣,一下是你与售货员的对话1can help you 2for whom do you buy the shirt?3what size and what colour?下面是看图说话,我概述一下,要六句以上“我”妈妈坐在凳子上看书,爸爸坐在床上 用英语回答几个简单的问题.用英语回答一些简单的问题 :)1.what's your 3 goals for this year?2.what's your favorite quotation?3.what bugs me?4.what's your favorite book?5.what's on your ipod?6.what't your favorite TV show?7.5 m 翻译句子他们正在考虑去哪儿.They are 回答(空格*5)刚才我忘了告诉你,我把你的钢笔放家里了I(空格)to tell you just now and I (空格) you pen at home我没有联系英语的搭档I do not have a (空格*3)En 谁能回答我几个简单的英语问题1."it's about time."在口语中是什么意思,还有它的用法2.start to do sth和start doing sth的区别3.下面几个短语的意思:1.working out details 2.double the work 3.i think that's about rig 回答一些简单的英语问题high的同音词特别喜欢的=(英语)紫色=here的同音词very much=(英语)poor的反意词help...to do sth.=_______=_________expensive.dear的反意词there的同音词heavy的反意词busy的反意词clever的 怎样看待当今的国学热 “国学热”的背后折射出什么问题?如何看待? 怎么看待现在的国学热?易中天,于丹等人,现在怎么红成这样? the air in the country is cleaner than ___ of a citya.it b.that为何选B? 英语翻译如题这些词什么意思都能查出来,但是凑在一起怎么翻译好? It must be the country air 请问可不可以把the country air改成the country's air呢?为什么? spss中已知T值如何求sig值? Examination of disaggregated country-industry level dataTable 5 presents results when we estimate our empirical specification for US MNE activity in European OECD countries by individual economic sectors categorized by the BEA.Publicly available data city dwellers are exhilarated by country air fx与gx是定义在R上的两个可导函数 若fxgx满足f'x=g'x 则fx与gx满足Afx=gx Bfx-gx为常函数 Cfx=gx=0 Dfx+gx为常函数 设函数f x,gx在[a,b]上可导,且f'x