
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:37:47
watch too much TV 不要打马虎眼好好回答答非所问极度鄙视``看不懂的不采纳第一个就看不懂 哪位大哥大姐能告诉我这台机子的内部结构吗? How do you like elephants? How do you like the elephants? 西部大开发有哪些重要工程?越快越好!别太长也别太短!青藏铁路不算,因为我已经知道了, 西部开发的城市包括哪些 his father and his mother both have a tin of fish YY频道歌手签约,有那个YY频道可以签约 l like them 什么意思 yes,l do.l like them because they're interesting.的问句是什么? 你在哪些方面深受自己母亲的影响?写一篇不少于600字的作文 深受母亲影响的作文 600字突出母亲在性格方面对你的影响 以“我的母亲”为话题,写你在哪些方面深受母亲的影响,600字左右谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 how do you like me now几个人唱过 名言警句有哪些?关于信誉的 How do you like England?英文如何回答,两个空. 用所给词的适当形式填空When he was free at home,he always _____(read) a book He___ stay at home when the snow ____A won't; stop B. will; stops C. will; stop D.won't; stop选哪个?为啥? 谁总是第一个到达的?Who ___ ___ ____?The heavy rain makes us _____ out.(not go) 完成句子1.昨天,大雨使我们未能准时到达那里.the heavy rain__us __arriving there on time yesterday 关于诚信的格言 德语与英语很相似吗 德语和哪些外语相似?除了和英语荷兰语之外。 1.the heavy snow stopped them from ( )(go) out for a trip.2.We know that light ( )(travel) much faster than soud .3.Mrs.Zhou ( )(teach) maths in our school for ten years用所给词的正确形式填空. The heavy rain____(prevent) us from _____(go) for a picnic杠上怎么填 T和 heavy rain stopped people from_____with A go B to go C going D goes 我知道选C但是请告诉我为什么为什么不选别的,他们有什么区别,xiexie Just accept them for who they are.求详解.是英语书中的一句话,不大弄得懂它的结构.老师说for who they are 是宾语,也许我听错了.也可能是who they are作宾语.劳烦解释一下句子成分,顺带说明为什么作宾语 You better'd look out for yourself是什么意思 you'd better check yourself before wreck yourself是什么意思? You’d better depend on yourself,______?A:didn't you B:didn't he C:couldn't you D:hand't you It wasn't long ______ the rain stopped and the sun came out again.A until B before C when D since这题为什么不选C? 请问高手must be doing 有被动语态吗 形式是怎么样的