
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 09:29:39
最好的游泳中的一个 one of the best _______最好的游泳者中的一个 one of the best+动词什么形式 One of the best culture Often,organizational culture may be confounded with personal variables. lie with 和 lie in 的区别 大力神杯 的英文名是什么你的回答 汗死了 同上世界杯英文名 世界杯的英文名 英语翻译[All my life]Waiting for someone,amongst the millions of people around me.We’re under the same sky,on the same earth,where are you?However many people have showed up,I’ve never found the one I’ve wished forI don’t know how much lo in his are China parents 怎么连词成句,这是我的作业, his parents in are China.啥意思I usuakky which my mother go shopping.You have to know the traffic rules.Which shirt do you like best?Don’t stop at a green light.啥意思 One of his parents___from china.在空白处填上一个合适的单词. can的否定结构和疑问结构是怎样的? 英语回复拒绝信怎么写之前写信让外国朋友帮忙给发东西,别人也同意发了,但是现在不需要,怎么写信回复拒绝他 我应聘广告公司成功,可是我正好生病了,想拒绝广告公司,所以写一篇拒绝信,并写好缘由,用英文写.100单词左右,我英文不是很好,你们能帮我写吗?,能尽快写吗?越快越好,最好是今晚能完成. ”Sarah很喜欢帮助人”的英文翻译 nick like his parents____(watch)TV on sunday. 英语翻译子洋,这个翻成英语相近发音的单词是什么? 这封信是写给谁的用英文怎么写 帮我写一下这封用英文写的信我一是不知道怎么回信了,所以大家帮下忙,要用英文写哦!Dear Amber,i would like to send you a card too!what is your address?yes,it's beautiful here.would you like me to send you pictures in a Quality Control Department 请翻译. 和 me too 一个意思的单词有些什么? me too 的地道表达是什么单词?t开头的单词 Thank you ,I am grateful for it.i appreciate it哪个更礼貌 英语口语里是不是有个词“dito”表示“me too”的意思? ME too!词语填写管中()豹、侧目而()、()貌辩色、举世()目、()言()色、()异思迁、一()无余、王()左右 帮忙把名字译成英文爱莉希雅还有其他的吗?除了alicia 谁帮我把名字译成香港英文名字?我叫曹运洁.帮我起个英文名,例如,陈奕迅是Eason,和奕迅发音很像.郑秀文叫Sammi,和秀文发音很像. late of the army medical departmentLATE怎么翻译.我查不到名词形式啊! to one's credit怎么造句分别 为 为……带来荣誉,值得赞扬,在……名下