
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:49:34
选择填空 ()1.There is no difference between the two words . I really don’t know()(A)选择填空()1.There is no difference between the two words . I really don’t know()A.what to choose B.which to choose C.to cho There is no difference between the two boys.【同义句】This boy looks ____________ ____________ _____________that one. there‘s no difference between the two words.I really like don't konwA which to choose from B which to choose 讲一下有没有from的区别 I want to play baskeball this afternoon.(对play afternoon提问) 语法:介词in短语作什么成分She rang up her daughter and asked for her help in what she described as a little spot of bother.in引导的短语是作ask的状语还是作help的定语,介词in本身又是什么意思? 英语翻译1、在肉店2、在文具店3、在面包房4、在妈妈家5、在美发店6、在学校7、在教堂8、在杂货店9、在诊所10、在北方11、在美国12、在十一中学13、在二年级五班14、在第三排 介词短语in replyThe author whom you criticized in your view has written a letter in reply.in reply在这里是不是介词短语作目的状语? a person who live with youwho?how long live with you what do you often do 按以上问题··回答~是口语~大概200到250字左右吧~ A person you lived with雅思口语范文 有首歌,其中的歌词是it's a one one love 这是什么歌 relationship between language,culture and communication 跪求一首男生唱的英文歌 歌词高潮部分里有it's a aa ai.的高音,很好听.里面有几句的开头是my heart.(听起来是my heart)高潮部分或者是 it’s why~ai~ai~ai 或者是it’s why~高潮部分应该算是高音.还 The relationship between language,culture and thought is that( ).A.they are three parts of a wholeB.language is determined by culture while culture is determined by thoughtC.each of them can operate independentlyD.the three aspects interact,each infl and it's one life and it's this life it's beautiful 歌词--哪首歌?是我在美女上错身第二季第8集的30分钟左右听到,求歌名!第八集的片尾也有,明确标出了歌词it's one life it's this life it's beautifullove is toughtime 跪求the relationship of language and culture写个10来句话就行了,谢谢啊 谁能给我当年马丁·路德·金的《I have a dream》演讲词 time前的介词使用at in on during two——a time 介词用什么 是什么意思 remember 的词组有哪些 分别为什么意思 the next time any 这个是介词短语,还是别的什么 星期四可以缩写成Thu. There isn't not much difference between the two.I don't know ____ 连词是不是一定连接两个一样的时态? 英语连句(连词成句).1.the,I,to,learn,want,piay,guitar,to__________________________,2.I,know,could,name,please,your.__________________________. What can I do to make that up to you 求一篇关于贾斯汀比伯的英语演讲稿是要准备课前三分钟演讲.篇幅要一页信纸就可以没时间了啊. 请问:各地的简称是什么(比如:四川的简称是“川”)? 全国各省简称 有首中文歌中歌词中有 one the way 什么都给 是什么歌?前面什么汽车声音啊!很好听 男生唱的 谁知道有一首歌的歌词是only one way叫什么``在线等``很急`男生唱的``第一个答对的 给追分!是英文歌曲`男生唱的 连词成句.(注意时态)1.She ,has a bad headache ,say ,she( )2.how much,the jacket ,is,She,asks( )3.a physic book,she,him ,buy,He,asks,if( )4.he ,go to Beijing,would ,He ,the next day ,said( )5.asks,him ,I ,knew,if ,Alice( 按括号中的要求连词成句,注意时态 连词成句,有些要改时态哦①anything;when;you;have;that you don’t understand;try your best;get the answer;to;_____________________________________________________________②that; we failed; Don't; tell; others.Tell them; we