
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 21:39:04
英语对划线部分提问解答we have an art festival at our school each year.划线部分是an art festival.答好加100分. ride,you,like,do,bikes,street,in,the,down,spring,to组成一句话! _________of the books do you like?I like the comic book._________did the girl ride her bike?(回答)The girl rode her bike after she did the dishes._________do you alwalys eat fast-food here? however放主句和从句之间,被逗号隔开,到底修饰的是主句呢,还是从句呢?An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officiall 初一上半学期总结(150字) 英语翻译一起的话Exploration&Business Department 是否可行? if从句,主句必须是将来时吗必须是将来时吗,即使从句是过去式,主句也要用过去将来时吗? 哪位高手能帮我翻译以下这个 Neither Sustainable nor Development: if 后面就是从句吗?主句和从句怎么判断? 填单词或短语MondayA;Can I help you B;I'd like to ___a sweater for my daughterA;_____about this gree one?B;I think it's good .but my daughter____yellow better .Do you ___a yellow one?A;Yes.This one looks great.B;_____is it?100 dollars.B;ok,I'll_ if引导从句还是主句 ___boots were where they had left themA:the three player 'B:the three player 'sC:the three player theirD:Three players ' their1 急求夺命深渊英文影评!大概为4分钟左右的讲稿! 英语翻译 Would you like to go in a ride on her new bike?改错 用will或would填空 1.I__ride my bike to school -__you go with me?2.__you like something to eat?-yes,I__like an egg and a cake,please.3.what__you do next weekend-I__visit my grandma How did she come here yesterday?I don't know.(合并为一句) My friend decided to (jump off)_____the cliff into the lake Last week I____(see) a dog ____(jump) into the lake and ____(swim)跟据所给的正确形式完成句子 DEAD MAN RIVER怎么样 密码子是DNA还是RNA上的?回答问题前请在百科上搜索密码子 已知氨基酸序列,合成基因应如何挑选密码子?因为有简并性的问题,所以一种氨基酸对应好几种密码子呢,怎么办? 【选择题】This is the case ___ he'd had all his money stolen.a.when b.where c.that d.which选择哪个?为什么 a dead 黄牛和水牛一共重60千克,黄牛和奶牛一共重80千克,水牛和奶牛一共重50千克,它们的重量各是多少? 张家村有水牛、黄牛、奶牛若干头,水牛的头数占总头数的4/15,如果牵走7头黄牛放在水牛群之中,那么这三群牛的头数正好相等.奶牛有多少头? 奶牛可以和水牛黄牛交配么? 听雨 季羡林 主要内容 苏伊士运河两端连接哪里? 苏伊士运河两端连接哪里哪?苏伊士运河两端连接哪里? If you do not improve your handwriting,you will lose marks in the exam.英语同义句 怎样才能让你知道我爱你你知道嘛,我是爱你的,真心的爱你,第一眼看见你我才知道什么是一见钟情,虽然我同样让你刮目相看,可是对感情的胆怯让我退缩了,我担心你也把我当成那些讨你欢心