
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 05:14:17
A wise man knows his own ignorance,a fool thinks he knows everything!的意思?.. A wise man thinks all that he says, a fool says all that he thinks!隐意是?帮忙翻译下 His name is ...哪个词错了 The quiz is not easy,( )I finished it on time A.so B.then C.but D.or Can man escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly imprudent throughout our world?解释一下.这句话中文意思?我不明白的是其中imprudent作什么用,什么意思.可是我觉得这一句里面没有表示轻率的意思啊. Air pollution now harms everyone in the world中harms是什么词性 英语四级卷子是哪里改的呀是自己考四级的学校老师改的么? 改过英语四六级试卷的老师,请问你们改一篇四级作文要多长时间,想考高分要注意哪些 四级试卷由本校教师阅卷吗? 谢谢你的回答,我是想知道您是参加2010年12月份四级监考的老师么?我想知道的是一个考场所发的试卷是否相 英语翻译Please do not send invoice via email or emailing only one or the other. 英语翻译没有"我"阿? Please send me an email if you have __(diffcult)solving the用适当的词填空 proble 平面设计师的英文怎么说? 1"平面设计师"用英文怎么说?2"我觉得没什么值得留恋的"用英文怎么说? 平面设计师在英语里叫什么职业同上 英语从句的时态问题我要写一句话"你将看到一个你之前回答过的问题的列表." 应该怎么写呢You will see a list of questions that you have answered.这样对吗,时态方面有什么注意? Farther On Up The 是离这条路更远了还是? “我现在的职业是一名平面设计师”用英语怎么说? CAN.I.SURE.AM.NOT.SHE.IF.COME 连成句子 有关尊师爱生的故事短 I am not familiar with computera, butI am sure I can lesen 英译中的时候涉及到书名、作者是否需要翻译?包括书的一些说明、版号之类的,是否也要翻译呢?谢谢! 银河漫漫路 ON THE MILKY ROAD怎么样 I am sure. I sure am是什么意思 China is one of the countries with the(long)historyMr Wang is like a bee He is one of(busy)teathers in our school Lucy lives in China.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) my mom and dad like apples【改为否定句 一般疑问句 】 lucy lives in England【改为否定句一般疑问句】 I am sure that.的中文意思I am sure that.翻译成中文 Old people still want to be beautiful!正确吗?Old people still want to be beautiful!还是old people still want be beautiful!在线等,谢谢! The road is( )A.two thousands and five hundred metres iong B.two thousands metres iong C.long one thousand five hundred metre D.a thousand and five hundred metres long