
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:41:28
怎吗用:没有火,人类的生活多么悲惨哪! 按要求填成语( )言)( )语1.很少说话:___言___语2.豪迈雄壮的话:___言___语3.哄骗人的好听的话:___言___语4.随口乱数的话:___言___语5.含有讽刺以为的冷冰冰的话:___言___语附:填正确的修辞手 写出4个表示看的成语:_________、_________、_________、_________写出4个带有“说得好听”意思的成语:_________、_________、_________、_________(除了娓娓动听) 带有(又 再)意思的成语带有(更加)意思的成语带有 达到 意思的成语带有 寻找 意思的成语带有 小步快跑 意思的成语 --What is this bottle made of --Glass,We can also make bottles ( ) plasticA.into B.of C.out D.out of forever we can make it!歌词求各位大侠forever we can make it!的中文歌词. 同义句we can use bamboo to make kiteswe can _______ _____ ______bamboo We can use metal to make Coins.这里的to是做什么的? We can make a snowman in ( ).A.summer B.winter C.antumn D.spring I asked some Japanese students (what) they thought about their school uniform.为什么用what 不用how 初中入学两个星期后的感想 英语翻译We need to consider how our actions,in affecting the environment,are likely to affect others. 英语翻译When a number is expressed in scientific notation,the exponent of the 10 indicates the number of places that the decimal point is to be moved in the number that is to be multiplied by a power of 10 in order to obtain the product. 体现汉字谐音特点的古诗(夏季) 体现汉字谐音特点的古诗(3首)我需要3首能体现汉字谐音特点的古诗3首,其他语文书上的都不需要,需要的是像竹枝词那样的(全诗:杨柳青青江水平,闻郎岸上踏歌声.东边日出西边雨,道是 春秋战国时期,在科学技术方面有高水平著作的学者是 [ ]A.孔子 B.墨子C.孟子 D.老子 没有火,人类的生活多么的悲惨啊! We get water from a spring.是什麽意思,求翻译 People in the countryside get water from the well in front of their house.这句中well啥意思? every evening we pump water from a well翻译 孔子周游列国的故事,要有故事性 -Lily made the same mistake again.-Oh,it's ___me.A.above B.withC.beyond D.over选什么,为什么? what other things did you do 的另一种英语解释? 翻译成英文:他温和的话语影响了我的决定. 用English翻译“一但她已经下定决心” 英语翻译中文 "采菊东篱下,悠然见南山"出自陶渊明的哪篇作品? Let’s get to work,class!如何翻译? 孔子周游列国,都周游了哪些国家,有哪个几个大国? 孔子周游列国,都去过哪些国家? 运用谐音特点的古诗 体现谐音特点的古诗不少于10个