
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 04:19:52
to err is human ; to forgive is divine . Describe what role the infinitives play in this sentence grammatically . how can this statement help in family relationships?at lease 9 sentense To err is human.To forgive is unusual. who can translate this sentence to err is human,to forgive,divine 苹果手机的重力式旋转是什么原理 触屏手机的重力感应功能坏了,(就是说屏幕不能自动旋转了) (此功能是开着的) 怎么回事? civil right 和 human rights的区别是? There is something people didn't understand in the sky.The United States Air Force first used the 大学期间的实习证明要翻译,去哪里能翻译? 抑扬顿挫的反义词是什么? I have been afraid of being alone since my father (died)为什么这里是died 而不是death He realized he been afraid of being alone since hiHe realized he( ) been afraid of being alone since his father died.填had还是have?写错了。填had 还是has I;'m afraid of being alone为什么用being 我知道of后面用ing 但是 alone 前为什么用be啊 怎么不用the 兔子怕猫吗?猫怕兔子吗? To err is human? To Err is Human如何翻译? 英语语法 To err is humanTo err is human人非圣贤孰能无过如上请问这句话完整地表达,或者按语言顺序表达应该是怎样的,这样的一句话To err is human似乎无法理解其语法 There isn't ______(something) in the house. There's something wrong with that house.请问这个with的用法. I' afraid of being alone.I'm afraidn fo alone.哪个是正确的句子. 大脑如何传输信号比如说现在的通讯 每个节点有一个地址 像名字一样 把指定内容传到那个节点 大脑是怎么传输的呢?使控制手的信号给控制手 控制脚的信号给控制脚这个我知道 我的意思是 是怎念的? 咋读?还有那红滴 “>5”怎么念 和谐社会是harmony society还是harmonic society ? 2011年广东省委常委名单 2010年最新的广东省委常委名单? The progress of thee society is based on harmony.  社会的进步是以和谐为基础的.为什么要+thee,我查了是你的意思.好像有点别扭~ 我能当广东省委书记吗? 如何提高public morality 英语急啊!各位英雄好汉,谢谢啦 历届广东省委书记 THE MCDONALDIZATION OF SOCIETY怎么样 THE DISCOVERY OF SOCIETY怎么样