
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:34:03
谁能介绍一下有关阿波罗与达芙妮的故事四十五分钟内能念完的那种 请问谁能帮我解释一下这句话的意思?The love only belongs to Sheldon呵呵,做题目遇到这么一句话,不解………… I turned to speak to the person standing behind me.怎么译.有谁能帮我解释这句的语法和固定短语等? Do you have a home for Uncle Green?He is ____ this evening. A.going B.hoping C.paying D.arriving Do you mind (close) the door? 月亮形状为什么会变 do you have any idea about painting this red or pink?这句话对吗? Belongs to me Noting++belongs++to++me是什么意思啊 none后面接可数名词还是不可数名词 belongs...to..me..anythings IT BELONGS TO YOU ME I am afraid I am not fit for the job,for it is____calling for much paticnce.A which B what C one DaI am afraid I am not fit for the job,for it is____calling for much paticnce.A which B what C one D as I am afraid I am not fit for the job,because it is one requires a lot of patience.A.who B.that C.what D.where 达芙妮和太阳神阿波罗的爱情故事结局是什么?求大神帮助 英语中doing(一类词)可以做主语,那么done可以吗? 主语看那个词?A talk on developments in science and technology _______ in the school hall yesterday None后跟名词一定要加of吗? The watch 【on the shelf】 belongs to me?对【】部分提问_____watch ______to you? none of和all of 后名词需要复数吗? the watch is meaningful for me还是to me none of 后可不可以接不可数名词请各位认真回答,如果没有确凿的证据或是末零两可的话就别回答了, the bicycle belongs to me为什么是belongs呢而不是belong How big is your hands?哪里错了并改正快,急 Favorite前加名词的( )形式? How big are your hands?的答语 脆弱前面可以加什么词语( )脆弱( )薄弱( )虚弱 爱戴前可以加什么名词 早加偏旁变形声字 your john so your john so big在英文里是什么意思? 谓语,宾语,副词,动词等词的概念和语法吗 max walks so fast that he often koncks my books and pens ____the desk when he walks past.a.offb.onc.atd.in