
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:01:54
she has tutored elementary,middle and high school students in various subjects.英翻中 in the Guangming Middle School还是in Guangming Middle School到底要不要加the Lucy is going to tomorrow morning.A.stay in the bed B.staying in bed C.stay in bed D.staying in in a middle school 还是in the middle school? Going to bed early,getting up early and doing morning exercises are all good h_______.根据首字母填空 ______ to arrive at the school at 10.am this morning,they are looking forward to gettingtogether with us.A.Schedule B.Scheduling C.Scheduled D.To schedule请问为何选 This morning I had a lot of trouble __.A:getting the car to start B:to get the car startedC:getting the car started D:when i got the car to start 亲们 I am u___to getting up early and going to bed late 大学英语四六级证书编号就是准考证吗 大学英语四六级准考证上的照片有有效期吗? 大学英语四六级什么意思它还需要考一至四级吗? I'm going to the playground.改成一般疑问句 ____《无论如何》I must finish my homework today____只能填一个单词. 初三英语选择Can I finish my homework tomarrow?____.You must finish it today?A、Yes,you can.B、No,you needn't.C、No,you can't.为什么选C?请详解,thanks.我想选A、 you must finish your homework today.改成否定句.you—— finish your homework today.思路.如三者却一. 1.-Must I_____(finish)my homework first?-No,you____.1.-Must I_____(finish)my homework first?-No,you____.2.It's too late.I_______go immediately.3.-Does he need any help?-Yes,he___some coffee. Must I finish my homework now?---No,you ____can,may not ,mustn't,needn't 哪里才是属于我的地方?(翻译成英文) 貌似梦到地球被撞!昨晚做了个梦,梦到我站在一片草上,周围好像都是废墟,然后感觉周围非常压抑,很闷,好像周围空气的压强越来越大,随时都会爆炸一样.过了一会就好了,但是蹲下去剥开草能 假如地球的南半球被撞掉了,只有半个地球绕太阳公转,哪将什么情景?问题是它的公转速度有没有减慢,如果减慢的话由于小于太阳的逃逸速度而被太阳吸收! 地球是怎样出来的? 地球是怎么出来的? 有谁知道哪能看外国的英语时事新闻啊?我想听听外国的正宗的英语普通话练练耳朵,有谁知道帮个忙啊 学小语种哪种语言比较好?工作较好找的,什么的,谢谢 我想学一门小语种来提高自身的修养,哪种语言比较好一点呢?我想学比较好学的 ,汗ing~我会英语 我是学气象的,现在还想学一门小语种,有哪种语言以后可能会用到呢? 《怪物史莱克》中的史莱克的英文名是怎么拼写的? Here comes the bus.please hurry up,这里的here是什么语,能否告知这句话的语法解析? Hurry up .Here comes the bus .为什么here提前为什么不是the bus comes 关于告诫并激励我们要大胆发现,不断探索,勇于创新,这样才能创造奇迹,成为科学道路上的成功者的名人名 英语翻译请大侠帮忙翻译 深圳市福田区深南中路中国凤凰大厦1栋24B 翻译成名片上要用的英文地址 英语翻译这个地址怎么翻译啊,不要百度翻译的,,