
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:40:01
英语翻译翻译【Last night I saw the fireworks …… The one you hate to love is made for you】The one you hate to love is made for you 这个是什么句式? 藕是荷花的“茎”吗?藕是不是荷花的茎? 荷花茎、叶、花、藕、莲蓬的外部特点(概括) 荷花茎藕蓬莲苔下句是什么 藕的莲是根还是茎莲是根还是茎 英文的心情短语 英文心情短语The rain outside leads my mood to a bad circumstance是什么意思 译林英语在哪里使用 谁知道译林少儿英语怎么样啊?就是南京图书馆对面的那个外文书店楼上的少儿英语,老婆带北鼻去看看了,说是还不错哦,就先交了500元定金. 南京译林少儿英语有谁了解? I hope you will g____w____ soon with the help of the doctor He is very s_____ with the coat.It looks fine on him heis very s________ with the coat.it looks fine on him空格处有8个字母 He is very s--------with the coat.It looks fin on him. “s-------”处“-----”共有8个空 因为在数学中怎么用符号表示 my new house is(very big)划线部分提问(改成括号了)—— ——your new house 对划线部分提问 Our new house is big and ciean.——————— _____ ______your new house______? My house is big.(对划线部分提问)big为划线部分 My father wil give me a skateboard_____a birthday present. 什么是要素成本 我朋友去应聘会计,考官问她:成本的三个要素是什么? 营业费用总额怎么计算?成本费用总额怎么计算?谢谢 “成本”的构成要素是什么?“成本”到底由哪些因素组成? 如题Your mother is ill.Please s____for a doctor 1.what's the matter_____jim?he's ill.A.of b.with c.for 2.he'd better_____the doctor. His mother is ill heavily,please s___for a doctor qiuckly. You mother is ill.please s________ for a doctor 在括号中填上反义成语.阳春白雪( )惹事生非( )口若悬河( )优柔寡断( )理直气壮( )救死扶伤( )神采奕奕( )永垂不朽( )从容不迫( ) my new home is very big 对划线部分提问_your new home my new home is very big改写同义句对划线部分提问 2010年1月27日 到今天(2011年7月30日)一共多少天了? 今天是第几伏?几伏的第几天?