
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:37:19
名词性从句的!With the work completed,he feel pleased ______he was a man of success.A.that B.which C.what D.whether我知道应该选A,但我想知道这是什么从句,he 主语 feel 系动词,pleased表语,那剩下的又是什么从句呢? 名词性从句选择题疑问Why don’t you bring___ to his attention that you are too busy to do it?A.that B.what C.that D.it此题中that引导的是什么从句?是宾语从句还是同位语从句?it指代的是that引导的从句吗? My grendmother is the( )people in my famiy A.old B.older C.oldest 格锐英语效果好吗价格是多少 一道考试的物理题质量为M的框架放在水平地面上,一轻弹簧上端固定在框架上,下端固定一个质量为m的小球,小球上下震动时,框架始终没有跳起,当框架对地面压力为零时瞬间,小球的加速度大 考试啊,如图所示,倾角为30°的光滑斜面的下端有一水平传送带,传送带正以6m/s速度运动,运动方向如图所示.一个质量为m的物体(物体可以视为质点),从h=3.2m高处由静止沿斜面下滑,物体经过A点时 THE WOMAN IN WHITE怎么样 格锐英语效果好吗,费用多少呀 求白衣少女(The woman in white)的结局详细点谢谢The woman in white 是一本小说 我有全英的但没看完 我想知道结局 格锐英语效果怎么样呀费用高不高呀 THE WOMAN IN WHITE PENGUIN CLASSICS怎么样 The woman_is a nurse.A.in white B.in the white C.in a whiteD.in an white 易语言 怎么可以光去掉括号里边的逗号,而括号外边的逗号不去掉.如下边的内容:74=(2,3),81=1,83=(1,2),85=(1,2)74=(2,3),82=1,83=1,85=(1,2,3)去过后,如下74=(23),81=1,83=(12),85=(12)74=(23),82=1,83=1,85=(123) 易语言的编辑框如果按下回车键,那么把所有的中文左括号变成英文的左括号,同理,右括号和逗号也一样! 暑假想提高英语有什么好看的美剧? be caught in the rain/the traffic in a traffic jam的中文意思 欧元区,欧共体,申根国,北约,欧盟.他们到底都什么含义,联系?包含,被包含关系?我都到欧洲这么久了,还是分不清,有些贻笑大方...望各位不吝赐教~强调下,我主要是想知道他们的区别~要是能在 用所给动词的正确形式完成句子1.what ____ you _______(want)to do this weekend?2.where _______you ________(go) next week?3.kate______(not read)books at the moment.4.they _____(leave)nanjing yesterday.5.paul ______(leave)for london next mon 用动词的正确形式完成句子1.the althletes are_____(stretch)and_____(get)ready for a long run2.china is a ________(develop)country3.christmas is around the corner.children_____(prepare)for it4.he plans______(travel)around the world5._____(cl 选用所给动词的正确形式完成句子.have make do need take go get work give leave21.He ________ tired after a long walk yesterday.22.I don't want ________ for a drive.23.Thanks for ________ care of my bird.24.Could you please ________ him s 用动词的适当形式完成句子1.Don't spend your money like water.If you keep on like this,you __(spend) all of your money before the end of the month.2.I began to teach in new oriental school in 2005.so far,I___(teach) here for one year.By 200 Used as a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful.1 开头为什么有Used?而不是直接 As a means of traffic in China,the bike is very useful? No Change Of Causing Death 麻烦翻译翻译一下! 英语翻译No amount of careful moderation can mitigate against the fact that what you hear will be a by- product of the group dynamic rather than a reliable indication of what people in general think. 怎么判断有机物是否显荧光? In this case ,the traffic order in China will begreatly_____(改进)请问空中应该填improve还是improving.为什么? 世界上除了运动着的物质之外,什么也没有 世界上除了运动着的物质之外,什么也没有”,.. 除了运动的物质之外,世界上什么也没有 是谁说的是列宁还是马克思啊?我看考纲是列宁,但是张俊芬讲课说的 是马克思···· 英语翻译将“经营简报”翻译为“briefing of operation”对吗? 英语翻译是和Management control ,"pull and poll" 相关的.不知道cutting operation 和 sewing operation 应该怎么翻译呢.