
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:04:04
why don't you go sighteeing(改为同义句)____ _____ go sightseeing 六年级开学准备什么?要详细一点的 You are telling me A.不用你说 B.C.跟我讲干什么一群自称为很聪明,很厉害的人呢,还都是选B呢,你们真垃圾,B是错误的,你们坏了我的十连对,恨你们你说我智商不高是吗,那我问你like father ,l 英语翻译you are biasing my choice by telling me yours谢谢 英语翻译Are you telling me you don't have a housekeeper?you 是不是多了 英语翻译Are you now telling me that BOTH of the screen protectors I purchased from you are out of stock? "Why don't you take a train''的同义句 you are telling Why don't you take a train? Why don't you take my noodles?(改为同义句) 【 】【 】take my noodles? Why don’t you take a seat (改为同义句) Why ___ ___ a seat____ I _____you?Yes,Er,what would you _____?I ___ Know Well,_____you like something _____drink?What _____a glass of milk?NO,thanks.l think _____like a glass of orange._____ about you for和since的用法 since和for的区别用法 since和for用法 since的各种用法 Why don't you like penguin?同意句转换.____ ______ like penguin? Why don't you like pengguins 的同义句 why are you so mad?的中文怎样翻译? Why don't you like the cat?(变为同义句) 求音乐:thats why you go away歌词翻译中文 读了这封信你有什么感受 用英语怎么说 you are chicken? 如果水变成了钢铁的密度,那么水会凝固吗?或者说,它会是shen me zhuang tai如果水变成了钢铁的密度,那么水会凝固吗?或者说,它会是什么状态 MC,Are you Mobile Chicken? 修改春联迁南移北形相随雪影凝香香成画 铭心刻骨情深髓青山同梦梦悠长 思渡春节本意说的是一家迁南移北形影不离女儿名雪,更加增添一家人的幸福,现在却幸福定格成画已不再,但这种深 请帮忙翻译 You are a chicken. 什么意思? 帮帮忙,修改一下这幅春联清朝有个李知县,常倚官仗势,欺压百姓,本来贪心很重却硬充清廉,某年春节,他在正房门贴出一幅春联标榜自己,联曰:“爱民若子,执法如山.”这春联一贴出,即遭到众 You are a chicken中are是复数怎么还有单数a?急用 占天时地利人和 取九州四海财宝 横批:财源不断可能有不合理的地方,横批也不怎么合适 请问for和since的区别是什么? since 和for 的区别 since和for的区别如何使用.和时态的区别.要说的直白一点,