
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:58:27
enter和come in 的不同 enter,come,come into有什么不同用法? 请问,come in和enter in 有何区别? You can see m() plants in Tom is room What can you see 英语翻译well ,Your Honour.I saw two men robbing a bank.这是一个对话`翻译下 Tom______(learn)in you room Go across the bridge,then turn left.;【改为同义句】 Cross the bridge,turn right and walk straight on.(同义句型转化)( ) ( ) ( )the bridge,turn right and walk straight on. come into 和 go into都表示进入时的区别1.sand ______ into the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel .come into / go into 为什么是后者2.don't you think that Jack's health has been ruined by over drinking yes ,he told me _____ him come into 和 become into的区别 英语议论文300字左右稍难一点, 正确抄写:is clare watching tv in the living room tom no用括号里单词适当形式填空Ginger and I __(make) a model ship now.___(join) us.It is so__(much) fun. 2.John__(like)___(fly) a kite.He's good at it.Do you want__(fly) kites with 组句 living tom room tea usually in drink the living Tom room tea usually in drink the怎么拼成句子 二次函数的一般形式怎么变形 莎士比亚Shakespeare是同性恋么? 莎士比亚是世界上最著名的作家之一 Shakespeare is_________________________. 二次函数的最值怎么求? 1,制造一个零件,甲需要6分钟,乙需5分钟,丙需要4.现在有159O个零件的制造任务分给他们三人,要求在相同时同内完成,每人应分配到多少个零件? 如图,甲乙丙三人合作一批零件,加工一个零件甲需要八分钟乙需要六分钟丙需要五分钟,三人完成任务共得两千三百六十元,给甲乙丙三人共得工资多少元 What do you think of the play Hamle written by Shakespeare是什么意思 what is the name of shakespeare's famous theatre What are the features of Shakespeare’s drama?考试的一道简答题 ,帮忙回答下, 威尼斯商人 THE MERCHANT OF VENICE怎么样 a bridge over or above or across the river 二次函数有几种形式? 三角形三边的垂直平分线相交于一点,这个点到三角形三个顶点的距离相等吗 证三角形三边的垂直平分线交的点到三个顶点的距离相等 三角形三条边的中垂线相交于一点,且这个点到三个顶点的距离相等 三角形三条边的垂直平分线相交于一点,并且这一点到三个顶点的距离相等(且距离最短),为什么距离最短百度百科上说的 HCl的成分分离HCl溶液中有 H+ CL- 及 H20 等微粒 设计实验 证明那种微粒能是紫色石蕊试液变红要在同一种实验中~