
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:02:19
who can help me to make friend with the foreigner in Shanghai i want to make a friend with a foreigner!who be will not,she,does,a,collection,sports,have.连词成句 英语翻译调职、升降职:公司内部的人员调整,必需经过有关部门的负责人协商一致后,报总经理批核.部门经理认为其下属具备担任更高职位(或不具备现任职位)的能力及条件,可向总经理提 英语翻译需人工翻译 翻译得好加分 是给老外看的 不能出错啊```《专家规划论证办公室》筹建计划书一)目的和任务成立《专家规划论证办公室》的目的,主要是为“概念规划”作立项申请的 英语翻译By the Grace of God,To all whom the Presents shall come,Know ye that We of Our Especial Grace,certain knowledge and mere motion do by the Presents advance,create and prefer Our Juan Tenorio to the state,style,degree,dignity,title,and hono 早睡早起,英语翻译 把“首先,你应该早睡早起翻译成英语. I LOVE YOU TOO怎么翻译? I LOVE YOU TOO 求答 If you have a choice to earn simple interest on $10,000 for three years at 8.5% or annually compound interest at 8% for three years which one will pay more and by how much? HAVE A NICE DAY if you have a choice,______(buy)one large.答案给的buy 为什么我觉得是buying呢? HAVE A NICE DAY这个是祝您今天过得愉快的意思,但用在书面上也是这样么.这个是不是比较口语化一点的.请高人赐教. 请问,have a nice day!这句话哪错了,请改一下是不是have的h要大写 HAVE A NICE DAY! What ----- your name and your phone number?is还是are And what is your candidate number?怎么回答 What is your phone number 帮我用中文名改英文名 :敏仪 too(也)的用法 too可以不加吗逗号?There were lots of things to do in Quincy,with many stors,two movie theatres,and football and baseball teams( )too.这里用加逗号吗? too的用法是?一定要有逗号么? 中文名温馨怡,希望大家可以帮我改个英文名字想大家利用中文名,帮我改一个英文名,最好是用W 开头 Henry:You have a choice.Clare:I never had a choice. have a chance和 have a choice有什么区别 怎么用? 求bbox雷鬼节奏double的那个 bbox雷鬼是什么 BBOX中内鼓怎么做 还有雷鬼 BBOX的雷鬼有那几个音.写下谱子 早睡早起用英语怎么说 too放在句末时一定要加逗号吗(表示“也”的意思) 记得曾经见过没有加的句子 too表示 也 时,是不是一定要放句末并加逗号