
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:42:33
铸造件和冲压件有什么区别? ①He has lost his ticket for the basketball match ,对his ticket for the basketball match 提问②They have planted a lot of tree on that hill ,对 that hill 提问 12.He had his leg _______ in the basketball match yesterday.A.to break B.broken C.break D.breaking Carl;What's your favorite【】.Tina?中间括号该怎么写呢? 英语翻译会不会有尽快通知你的意思呢, We will ___you as soon as possible.____the way ,(翻译) the man under the tree called Tom comes from India.called是对的吗? 1、Peter is b___ revising for a math test .He has no time to play.2、Three people sit in the b____of the car. 电气设备上的EX标志是什么意思 弹簧是不是属于冲压件 Nice Guy 翻译 nice guy finishes last EX Assistant 的英文定义?除了定义,请在给出网址, 英语课本中的Ex.····Ex.8 Translation··········后面的单词懂,前面的Ex.8啥意思 DNF要用EX修改,狂战抓头,怒气喷发、大蹦.用DNF EX求这几个技能用英文怎么说 his long talk is just a w__ of time His long talk is just a ( 浪费 ) of time.用不用变形式啊 how long is the time 这么说对吗? I don't know how to use this.改同义句RTthanks there the glasses she wanted 中间用was还是werethe crowed t to help her,but they didn't find them a police saw the crowd and went into it to see what was h first 中间填什么 I don't know how this ______(发生) we must repeat a thousand and one times that perseverance is the only road to success怎样用英语来详细的解释这句子呢?呵呵^-^谁能用英语来给我详细解释啊? DNF EX什么意思 Mr Nice 3Q No More Mr.Nice Guy 歌词 DNF EX里的帧域宽高 不是 "宽高" 而是 "帧域宽高" 就是最右边的那个 No More Mr.Nice Guy (Live) 歌词 1、李冰 2、祖冲之 3、蔡伦 4、贾思勰 5、张仲景 6、华佗 7、王羲之的名垂史册事迹扼要写出来要简洁不能太多,主要的就行.可能有点麻烦,就帮帮忙了, 如果按人物的活动分类,祖冲之应与下列哪一人物放在一起?张衡 华佗 王羲之 顾恺之 李冰、祖冲之、蔡伦、张仲景、华佗、王羲之的名垂史册的事迹扼要 比较级.最高级! 王羲之和顾恺之的主要成就是什么?