
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 08:56:57
这道题可不可以给我解说一下It was ______ weather ______ they had to stay at home.A.such a bad ;that bad ;that bad a ;so D .such bad;that 1、为什么不能用so 前面怎么可以有a 帮我分析一下 I love hate ,i hate love 这句话 万分感激!RRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTT 分析一下深意 冷冲模用弹性卸料结构时,用弹簧好,还是橡胶好 怎么选择铝合金橡胶地垫 有谁知道Jan 4,2008 6:27 PM AWST 这个时间在中国是几点啊?我是个时区盲,这是几点啊? 以知:抛物线y=x的平方-2x-m(m大于0)与y轴交与C点,C点关于抛物线对称轴的对称点为C’点.(1)求抛物线的对称轴及C,C’点的坐标(可用含m的代数式表示)(2)如果点Q在抛物线的对称轴上,点P 甲乙两车同时同地相背而行,甲车每小时行72千米,乙车每小时行60千米,1小时后甲车因事调头追乙车问需要多少小时才能追上乙车? 两辆车从相距360千米的两地出发相向而行,甲车先出发,每小时行60千米,1小时后乙车出发,每小时行40千米 谁有俊秀的 beautiful you 单曲 的mp3格式发给我好吗! 英语口语:怎样提高口语水平?(Good) 学习英语口语用什么材料好?I MUST SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH! 英语翻译the daily mail中文意思是每日邮报,用英文怎样解释?三小时内要解决! 月满则亏接着是什么 日中则移,月满则亏 是什么意思? 求the daily mail的链接 daily mail是谁 The most famous popular newspapers are Daily Mail,The Sun and The Daily Mirror.同义句:No popular newspapers are _____famous _____Daily Mail,The Sun and The Daily Mirror.横线填什么? 《榜样》阅读答案 英语翻译传记和历史关系密切,某些写作年代久远的传记常被人们当史料看待.一般由他人记述,亦有自述生平者,称"自传".传记的种类分为一般的传记、自传、评传、人物小传、人物特写、回忆 英语翻译Neighborhood Safety and HealthThe link between increased perception of neighborhood safety and an almost 30% increase in the odds of youth meeting recommendations of aerobic physical activity on most days of a week may represent a greater 小学典型应用题一共有几种?是哪几种? 我要不算成是三元一次不等式要不然就是无解, 5m^3+9m^2+9m+7 (1)五一班男生有36人 平均升高为153cm ,女生24人 平均升高151cm .全班男女生的平均升高是多少从cm?(2)甲乙两个港口相距264km 拖船顺水每小时11km 逆水8km 拖船来回的平均速度?(3)小 怎么证明a的平方+4b的平方-4ab》2b的平方-a的平方 若不等式组{x>a+2,x 鲁宾逊漂流记里的名句 数学不等式求解 英语翻译Conversation 1Cbu:Tom,I have some questions about your country,Canada.Tom:Okay. What do you want to know?Cbu:What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?Tom:You’re supposed to shake hands.Cbu:How about tim 英语翻译Most of the road haulage companies were well-established familyfirms.The majority of employees were drivers,but companies also employedmechanics,warehouse staff,general maintenance yard staff,transport managers,traffic operators,clerical/ 英语翻译Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature due to fuels,industry,and agricultural processes caused by human,natural,and other gas emissions.This results in an increased emission of greenhouse gases.Short-wave solar radiation 哪首歌里面有 还记得小时候么,那些绚烂的的童话,这是我……,里面有一些儿歌.