
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:03:13
If I were any better,I would be twins.If I were any better,I would be twins.感激不尽.还有,对不起哈 我就只剩这么多积分了. 英语翻译如题.请问哪位大侠能翻译一下这个句子阿Michael is the kind of guy you love to hate.He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.When someone would ask him how he was doing,he would reply,"If I were "If I were any better,I'd be 是不是“天下无双”的意思啊?还有为什么要用"were"?介绍一下语法结构阿~ 英语翻译这句话选自一个叫:Life is all about choices的文章 第十二届新概念作文大赛获奖结果什么时候出来? if i were you,i would love myself better! 求关于人的表情的英文文章 rt 鸟交配时有高潮吗?我说的是飞禽那个鸟,不是那个鸟! 养了三年的鸟还能够交配吗? 这个季节是鸟交配季节吗?是珍珠鸟,两个公鸟打架,是因为抢伴侣的关系吗? 十四届新概念作文大赛复赛名单什么时候公布啊? 英文句子I must admit,it is more difficult than i thought it would be句子最后的would be有什么用?为什么最后要+上would be?51问51问,那为什么一定要would be ,could be行吗? 第十届新概念作文大赛复赛名单什么时候出来? 谁能教我叠折纸心?,要图啊 写以“表情”为话题的作文 以 注意你的表情 为话题的高中800字作文怎么写? 鸟经过交配后回产出什么 BEC高级考试难吗?请教考过BEC高级的同学我四级考了592 六级裸考529 像我这样的程度可以考BEC高级吗?需要准备多长时间呢? 科教版八年级物理下册第七.八章知识提纲详细一点,好的话,会追加悬赏金的 谁能给我科教版八年级物理下册所有知识提纲(详细点最好),最好还有课件. 教科版八年级下册政治期中检测题 急用,12题英语初二单项选择题目.麻烦各位老师了1._you ever_in China?A.Did,studied B.Are,studying C.Do,studied D.Have,studied2.i have _ to speak at the meeting A.nothing else B.else something C.anything else D.else everything3._day it Bec高级难吗?我刚过了中级 两个月准备高级能过吗? 请问BEC难还是高级口译难? 关于rest.the rest .the rest of.当rest解释为剩余部分的时候一定要和the连用吗?the rest 不一定解释为休息是吗?解释为休息时一定放句末吗? 一道英语单项选择题,so far we have finished 60 percent of the project.The rest _____ in six monthsso far we have finished 60 percent of the project.The rest _______ in six months.A.will finish to be finishedC.are to be finished D.will ha 画出三角形绕ab旋转一周后所的图形 麻烦英语老师做这几题初中的英语习题.一、 按要求改写下列句子.The woman with the baby is walking into the shop.(就划线部分提问)_______ ________ is walking into the shop?二、 用方框中所给单词或词组的 有哪些简单点的描写祖国山河壮丽的古诗? 赞美祖国山河的词语 月下独酌中月亮的形象有什么特点?