
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:13:31
Don't stop walking until you see the place(改为同义句) 流酸酮做什么用 Don't stop walking until you see the bridge .同义转换_ _ _ until you see the bridge. 需要什么原料,具体步骤是什么, 怎样快速制做酸饵~! 酸皮奶好喝吗?看在零七的饮料单上有酸皮奶,很疑惑,因为没有听过. 宾阳酸粉的制做方法是什么? 常用英语口语1000句` 常用英语口语1000句 是什么东东? 英语翻译亲爱的朋友真的很抱歉 这个价格已经是我们最好的价格,运费是快递公司收费的,而不是我们.我们不想因为压低价格,来影响画的质量,希望您的理解. a person a book,play ,film ect the film _____(play)by jay chou movie play with 是不是来和我一起玩在一部电影里听到的 a person or animal in book ,play,film,etc:___ the color of the car is The color of our n_____ flag is red. "When you think carefully before making important decisions"的译文 句意回答:Think is over before making important d_____,especially when you are in a bad mood. How do you of about making important decisions? 《联盟>翻译成英语单词是什么 "孔雀东南飞"出自那篇文章,谁写的, The film I enjoyed yesterday这句话为什么不对不是定语从句吗 the lead role in the film这句话是什么意思? Don't stop walking until you see a tall building.的同义句_____ _____ ______ until you see a tall building. Don't stop walking until you see the flower shop.(同义句转换) --- --- --- until you see thef. 阿联酋酒店的英语要求?想去阿联酋酒店工作,但又不知道那边对服务人员的英语要求有多高?试用期被解雇的多不多?中国去的服务员的英语水平都怎么样?多久能适应?中国去的服务员的英语水 英语翻译因为是黑白画成彩色的,价格相对会高点 希望您能理解 I had the lead role in my sixth grade play I THINK RED IS A 【】COLOR IN CHINA 由于缺乏对艾滋病知识的了解,我国居民对艾滋病及艾滋病患者的恐惧与其是普遍存在.实际上,与艾滋病患者公用浴室,游泳池等公共设施并不会感言艾滋病.上述现象主要反映了A一是能反作用 英语翻译I want to order an acrylic painting in sizes 70 cm by 100 cm but i need to attach the photo of the painting for your view.Let me know how long it will take to finish it Think it over carefully before you decide这句可以改:Think it over carefully before your decision