
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:26:49
绿豆蛙leon里的leon是什么意思 瑞典、挪威、冰岛,去哪个国家生活好呢?瑞典、挪威、冰岛分别是怎么取得绿卡的? 挪威 瑞典 在这2个国家生活 他们哪国英语好些他们彼此用英语交谈么?只用英语怎样 可以只用英语和瑞典挪威朋友玩么 to leon werth when you say nothing at all翻译成中文是什么意思? when you say nothing at all 意思2.A is more thant B.这类more 是much / many 那个的比较级,:-), parents are supposed to teach their children to distinguish right from wrong.be supposed to 是获准的意思.可是我觉得这句话的意思应该是父母应该教孩子明辨是非. There is even a plan for children to divorce from their parents though this is not a law yet怎么翻译? what do children get from their parents according to this passage 意思 日本与我国一水之隔,这里的“一水”是指:A.日本海 B.渤海 C.黄海 D.东海为什么网上答案是东海不是日本海在黄海和东海中为什么又排除黄海呢 日本与中国一水之隔、这里的“一水”指的是什么? 在一定温度下,1 mol金属铜与足量某浓度的硝酸完全反应,生成NO2和NO的物质的量之比为1:3,则反应过程中转移的电子总数为为什么是2mol,我算半死得出4mol.无语了.感激不尽! 1、将10g表面已被氧化成Na2O的钠块投入90.3g水中,充分反应后,得12g/cm3的溶液,同时放出3.36L气体(标况),求所得溶液的物质的量浓度.2、某Na2CO3和NaHCO3固体混合物与2mol/L的盐酸200mL恰好完全反应. 急需话题是宽容的优秀文章,总字数约1000字,边上附上赏析, 语文摘抄如何分类150字左右 记住是150字左右 “as……as”与“so……as”有什么区别? as.as 和 so.as的区别是什么?英语问题·· HOW TO STUDY MATH WELL?我的数学很烂,怎么提高?做很多很多题?望有志之士帮小弟一把 how to use one year to learn the things well including math and ENGLISH.COS i want to study abroad.well ,i was graduated from Junior in June.but unforetunately,i didn't get a well result in the final test,i think it's not actually suit me wiyh my tru {初二英语}关于进行时表将来(be going to do)如上.只能用be going to do表将来么?能用be doing么?请您看这道题My brother is (going hiking) for vacation.(对括号内部分提问)____ your brother ____ for vacation?答案 be 的进行时可以是being吗?I don't ever want to talk about being a woman scientist again.我能看懂意思是说:我再不想谈论作为一个女性科学家这里的being我想应该不是做名词用,如何理解这个词的用法? be going to 是进行时还是将来时 children get a lot of love( )their parents 括号里填什么 American children don't often a____ for pocket money from their parents.完形填空,a开头的 Some of their hobbies may get _______(妨碍) of schoolwork Many yeenagers have hobbies ,but some hobbies might get ____of school work.A .in the way B.on the way C.by the way D.to the way请解释各个选项的意思 .match the following to make new words,and then translatethe new wordo into Chinese.1.pencil a.mill _______ _______2.arm b.cream _______ _______3.wind c.fiower ________ _______4.oil d.chair ________ _______5.ball e.box ________ _______6.sun f.master Mr.taylor,can you tell me how to learn english well sure.but remember nothing can be learned __hard wark.a by b at c without d for If you work harder at math,it won't be diffcult to learn的同义句是____ _____ you work at math ,_____ ______ it will be to learn. I yearn for nothing but work还是I yearn nothing but for work It is Sund ay_______.David and his_______are having a party at_____.短文填空,后面还有 Tony and his friends are having a party______Saturday afternoon.谁帮我填填啊……