
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:19:53
I Think I Was Wrong这句话对吗? oracle中date类型能比较大小吗?WHERE (OP.RIQI >= '2011-06-01')AND (OP.RIQI < = '2011-07-26')) T1这个写法正确吗?如果正确是不是说时间类型可以比较大小? what's the price of that white bag 为甚麽 timestamp和date的区别 《诸葛亮集》中诸葛亮论赏罚如何翻译啊 being+动词放句子开头有什么用? well to put it a nutshell ,the inflation is well ahead of our pay offer求翻译 文言文翻译 凡儒生挂俘籍者,辄脱之以归,复在其中.其爱人以德类若此. 英语翻译绍圣初,予以罪谪居筠州,自筠徙雷,自雷徙循.予兄子瞻,亦自惠再徙昌化,士大夫皆讳与予兄弟游,平生亲友无复相闻者.谷独慨然自眉山诵言,欲徒步访吾兄弟.闻者皆笑其狂.元符二年春 女儿之山 鹊所巢的翻译急! 英语翻译谁会翻译全文啊.. it wasn't i let him in.问 let him in是作什么成分?say what clauses of sentences are spend sth to do sth对吗 The beginning,I did wrong ,but now I think it was worth it. 英语翻译I wasn't caring enough to realize that it was my fault that he acted this way,because I considered him common. 所获贼众,不足为多,俘而辱之,但益其忿耳.请一切放还,以德报怨.翻译 i __ like a more rapid type of transportation which is the more comfortable way of transportation,bullet train or airplanes?里面the more怎么理解 Which type of game is more enjoyable. 证明:设G为(n,m)-简单极大平面图,则m=3n-6. I thougt I had a right day but I was in a wrong place是哪首歌的歌词,求歌名.女声英文歌 英语周报听力材料的英文歌,歌词中有 “what you are a friend of mine,but I was wrong."求歌名 解释及造句:连声诺诺 歌词中有句i trust you believe you but something was wrong,副歌是哦哦哦哦哦eeee的英文歌 连声诺诺、生死祸福、惟妙惟肖,巧妙绝伦造句造一段话 I enjoy c_____ a soccer team for those poor kids. 有谁认为食品安全问题重要?为什么? 英语选修6第50页第3题的翻译,前五个就行. 我想用一个自吸喷射离心泵抽水到无塔供水器压力灌里是否可以 I'm afraid it ______ tomorrow,but who knows?A.may have rained B.might rain C.would rain D.ought to rain 并说明理由 成都一座来了就不想走的城市 英文翻译 Nobody knows what _____________ tomorrow,so cherish the present.A.is going to take place B.will happen C.will be happened为什么选B,happen和take place有什么区别,