
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 12:45:47
如何才活得有趣 a exercise还是an exercise?到底是when do you have A exercise还是when do you have AN exercise?人人都有不同意见 an exercise in frustration什么意思? 24的英文是什么 in your own discipline 按自己的要求?题目总是要我find an article或怎样in your own ... there is an exercise book in the desk(划线部分提问,划线的是an)快,急!星期天之前 The police warned the children not to __________ the madman.A.approachB.beyondC.replaceD.enroll 1.(1)The pizza tastes ______(不错) (2)Please _____(剥) an orange for your grandma.(3)Here is a______ (食谱)for a Turkey sandwich.2.( )This piece of paper is beautiful.But it's too small.Could you give me a big____?A one B paper Cpiece D Your grandma is old .Please _____her.A.look like B.look in C.look after D.look in Give me ( ) orange,please.I want ( ) big orange.A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a 根据句意及首字母填词(1-4题) 1、 Please give my best w_____ to your grandma2、 We can guess the main of an article by looking at the pictures and the t_______.3、 Please take this bootle of water for y_______.4、 I don't know Englis spell orange To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind are prone,no superhuman genius is required.A few simple rules will keep you,not from all error,but from silly error. If the matter is one that can be settled by observation,make the observati 英语完形填空问一题‘what a fool!Why not stay in the cave_____ longer?'A.little B.a little C.very D.more选什么,为什么 某可燃物1.6g完全燃烧,生成二氧化碳4.4g,水3.6g,求该物质化学式, 英语翻译1.很明显这些方便设施大多数人都是不能享受的.(facility;access){ 这句我要说一下很明显老师好像要求是用一个词组甚么的,}2.他拒绝承认失败是我们已经预料到的.(admit)3.车辆可 英语翻译有什么规律的吗?比如20,是由2和0组成的.英语是由tow with zero 组成的(开玩笑的,例子、不准确的) (以前,我以为你很近.到现在,我才明白,原来,你一直很远)这句话...(以前,我以为你很近.到现在,我才明白,原来,你一直很远)这句话是什么意思 "以前我以为,你就是全世界;现在才知道,"以前我以为,你就是全世界;现在才知道,全世界就是你"前后的意思不一样吗? 我以为我可以,但现在...一个女孩子写的. 你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅现在的我.——《倾城之恋》 怎么理解这句话的含义啊?这句话说明了什么道理呢? 冠词There is _____(A.a B.an C./) orange in the bottle.有个老师说选C 有没有快速记住英语单词的办法拜托各位了 3Q可以在1小时内记住的,可以说说自己的经验,拜托,我很急 中文翻译英文在线翻译今天我的内心一直在问等待的结果到底能换来什么,我只知道我哭了 有谁知道我心里的痛的英语怎么翻译 请说出此漫画的含义 漫画含义怎么回答 (1)用一句话介绍这幅漫画:(2)这幅漫画的含义是: 擦皮鞋什么意思 请问大家这幅漫画是什么意思啊? 求y=4-根号下3+2x-x^2的值域 有人跟我说一句话,我不知道什么意思?