
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:23:18
请帮忙翻译一下这几句话,20分追加,在线等!“If hip hop started off the way it is today, it may not be around today. Hip Hop culture of today is about killing, selling out people/family, doing drugs, beefing, making money at any costs, MCM is a contestuse mathematical modeling to present their solutions to real world problems. final和finally怎样运用他们 江畔独步寻花·其五中那一句更能表现杜甫的喜悦的心情?文章中一共有两句,是那一句?第一句是黄师塔前江水东,春光懒困倚微风.第二句是桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红? 正确形式填空 He ordered pizza_____(special) for me 主语加及物动词 算不算一个句子? 句子是什么?一个物体被怎么怎么样了.这算一个句子吗?这个物体是主语吗?我觉得主语应该是使这个物体怎么怎么样的人吧?. 怎样快速记住汉语拼音 贫穷对落后正如富强对( )急! 贫穷可以对繁荣吗?(反义词) 英语翻译Don't ever leave the one you love for the one you like,Because the one you like will leave you for the one they love.Tonight your true love will realize how much they live you.In valentine day the shock of your life will occur.Send to 10 怎么理解“没有自由的繁荣就是贫穷”? 连词成句(先确定主语,谓语动词,再添加其他成分,最后检查个别词汇的变形)⑴buy yesterday Jerry a car new⑵should have She quick run yesterday(他昨天应该跑的更快的) 科技发达,人能活万万年吗? 怎样学能记住拼音 The salary of a taxi driver is much higher _______.选项:a、in comparison with a teacher'sb、than a teacherc、than that of a teacherd、to compare as a teacher感觉AC都对, 我有两个连词成句不会?1.be to show afraid don't it2.the his way this he is washes face increase the salary a bit higherCan you increase the salary a bit higher higher词性是副词么?修饰 increase 对么? 为何没谓语?The higher a person's level of happiness为何没谓语You'd think that the higher a person's level of happiness,the lower their level of happiness and vice versa.我语法不好,但是这句话出自老外,我就觉得他没说 怎么记住汉语拼音中文拼音怎么才能记住,有什么办法能记住拼音, I'm sorry I can't 是宾语从句吗 DIAGNOSIS怎么样 英语翻译 earlier diagnosis和early diagnosis哪个对?或者都对?文中大概是说XXX对某某疾病的早期诊断有帮助. 汉字字体演变总的趋势是简化 这句话怎么错 英语OF的意思They succeeded in the conquest of the city.of在这句话中起到什么作用啊,中文翻译的时候,该用什么样的顺序,先翻译攻克还是城市 1.You should not ________ too much from him. out loud与aloud意思有什么不同,用法有什么不同? is there a health and safety committee What is the Occupational Health and Safety?请用英语回答,要让人清晰地知道并了解谢谢. 求书《management mistakes and successes》中文版如题《management mistakes and successes》 中文版内容 谁有的 麻烦发我啊 中文名字应该是《管理失误与成功经验》 21513—(张)all the students should be present at classes from monday to friday. 3794 想问: 1—sh21513—(张)all the students should be present at classes from monday to friday. 3794想问:1—should be present:怎么翻译?这里