
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:08:09
形声字是由表意的()和表()的声旁组成的. 形声字中声旁表意的有 如图,∠AOB内有一点P (1)过点P画PC‖OB交OA于点C ,画PD‖OA交OB于点D (2)写出图中互补的角 (3)写出图中相等的角关键是利用 平移的基本性质 画图! Paul is 5 years younger than Roman and Jules is 10 years younger than the sum of Paul's and Roman's age.How old is Roman if the three ages add up to 80 years?请在15分钟内回答 The price of houses continues to _rise_ 后面可不可以填raise 下表意上表声的字 the price ——(rise) recently but it may fall again为什么 上表意下表声的字简例外 英语中什么词不能修饰动词 如图,角AOB=30度,AO=6,点P是射线OB上一动点,请根据以下条件分别求出OP的长.(1)△AOP是等腰三角形;(2)△AOP是直角三角形. 你如何认识《荷马史诗》中的英雄人物阿喀琉斯不少于800字 荷马史诗中塑造的氏族英雄只要人名 She was n____ about walking home so late at night.N开头的单词填什么 英译中:Please use this one as the Special Term in the old one is outdated. 英译中:I adore this...The design is exquisite and delicateI adore this...The design is exquisite and delicate,Among some of the nostalgic elements give me the feeling of fantasy and elegant. 在古代西亚流传这一部英雄史诗是? 一句话(英译中)if u c4n r34d this u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d英译英亦可 填词.She t____a walk to her office She walk and never runs in the corridors.哪里错了?walk、never、runs、in 哪里错? 求分析以下句型This happened on Saturday night affecting two rural communities north of Seattle.这里affecting为什么用ing形式呢Try to enter the experience with no preconceived notions about thecountry you`re going to or the people in th 5.结合语境,在下面语段中的横线处填写句子最恰当的一项是 你看那急速漂流的波涛一起一伏,真是“众水会万⑷晏殊的《浣溪沙》(一曲新词酒一杯)伤春感时,其中“ ,”两句,缠绵婉转,对仗 对以下句型分析When reports came into London that a wild puma had been spotted,they are not taken seriously.在这一句里that a wild puma had been spotted是定语从句还是状语从句如是定语从句,先行词是reports,在从句中作 and she dropped onto the couch in my office and kicked off her flats这里kick off her flats 的flat 请帮我分析以下句型Most of us serve our ideals by fits and starts,The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims fou it unswervingly. kill myself 是自杀的意思吗? 如何翻译If this project is approved and funded most expenses of the participants will be covered I believe myself I' ll kill him and you but you don't worry about that. 英译中 For this purpose,please provide ...For this purpose,please provide a written statement identifying your company and the date.英译中 求一篇英语作文 +++++++++++==+++++++++=分啊,急用啊题目Advantages of Visual Aids Directions:Directions:Write a paragraph on one of the following topics.One topic has been given a detailed outline that you can follow.字数要求:120 备 帮忙找一篇英语作文!急用!对偷猎者想说的话包含一下几点:1、不可偷猎(WHY)2、偷猎的危害3、动物与人的关系120多个字就可以了 不用太长 求英语作文一篇,急用John得知Frank住院并动手术,写信给Frank表示慰问,并盼望他早日康复.注意书信形式.(参考词汇:be sorry to hear,in hospital,be operated,have a quick and good recovery(康复)) best friend seems anxious a lot,she bites her fingernails and looked tired all the time.I don't think she's eating right,either,how can I convince her to take better care of herself?----worried我最好的朋友似乎看起来焦虑很多,她经常