
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:05:42
他在训练中严格要求自己用英语怎么说急 谁有公益广告语的感受?要求至少300字!紧急! 为什么很多人喜欢住在大城市,英语作文,讲一下住在大城市的好处就可以了呜呜详细一点哈 住在城市的好处英语作文 住在乡下的好处与坏处,英语作文,150个词左右, 广告语的作用 Do you think you will have your robot 的译文 八年级下册英语书一单元的section 2的文章, 八下英语第八页课文Do you think you will have your own robot?详细语法理由 广告词的作用1.天上飞,地下跑,出行还是铁路好()2.轻薄小巧,却有大作为()3.胸怀宽广,方能广纳四方()4.健康从齿开始()请告诉我,这些广告词是给什么做广告的,谢谢 英语翻译句中要用到include 去欧洲旅行 英文旅行计划怎么写?主要目的地是维也纳 这个是签证要用的 I want to want to want to loving more 很欢快的 是一个女的唱的 求名字 快速求亲们帮解答是首中文歌 唱的声音比较浑厚 类似舞曲吧 I want to learn about more English 是否有语病?这句话是否有语病?I want to learn more about English呢? I would like to be an English teacher b_____ I want to help more young children to make their d__ cI would like to be an English teacher b_____ I want to help more young children to make their d___ come true if you want to learn english well ,you need more p_______ 形容经过努力获得成果,可以用哪个成语?最好是自己想的,不要一群人摘些一模一样的 有没有形容干的不少,但是得到的却很少的成语? The more you study,the more you know.为什么说这一句话是状语从句,the more 是状语?如果是那它在句中担当成分么? You want to know more China?a开头 Do you know how to study better and make your study more effective?开头的文 I want to know more about you 形容收获很大的成语是 天天都有收获用什么成语形容 有没有好的翻译软件推荐下,下个月去欧洲旅游,希望用得到 I often i_____ I want go to the USA.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词I often i_____ I would go to the USA If you want to go to the USA to study,how would you prepare for this? 签证官问这个Why do you want to study in USA?该怎么回答 表示一次一次的失败后获得成功的成语 表达不如别人的成语 表示什么也没得到的成语 我必须努力学习以实现我的梦想.(英汉互译) I must study hard____ _____ my dream ____ _____.这是七年级下册英语基础训练上24页上的题目, we have to study hard if we want to get good grades.对study hard 提问 what()we()()do if wewant to get good grades?