
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:57:17
he_______(成功)in reading the top of the mountain. as he was accustomed to_the steep mountain,he had no difficult reaching the topA climbing B climb C having climbed D have climbed He _____(successfully) in reaching the top of the hill He____ _____ ______early from Monday to Friday.从星期一到星期五他总是早起. I'm very ) ) my ) ) Monday ) Friday(从周一到周五我都忙于功课)I love(?)(?) )dogs(我爱跟小狗玩)没空一词怎么填 ( )special training ,they succeed in climing to the top of the mountain.A received B being received C to received D having received选啥? In face of difficulties the climbers______in the hope of reaching the top before dark.A.insisted on B.looked up C.turned away D.kept on 温州12月19日21时感觉震感?哪又地震了 急求!横竖都能练组成成语. 一X千X xxxx 千x一x xxxx x是要填的 英语信手工翻中,第二段I went to UK for english studying and I like beautiful historical architecture...UK was my dream,so I like this country very much...work?nono,I have my own business and I keep it in Uk...it's connected with internet tec 英语信手工翻中,第一段hi,my darling baby!)))miss you for some days...im happy that you like a screen)Augustus Denairo this is not my name)))this is a nickname))my true name is Artsem or Tioma)Tioma is more kind)yeah)))my cat is 11kg!))like a 早教双语官网那个好?宝宝英语早教有用吗?怎么教? 早教双语一套多少钱 (古代汉语)朋和友是同义结构吗?是复合词吗? 如图,四边形ABCD的的对角线AC、BD相交于点O,△ABC全等于△BAD.求证:(1)OA=OB; (2)AB∥CD 如图,在四边形ABCD中,已知∠BAD=60°,∠ABC=90°,∠BCD=120°,对角线AC,BD交于点S,且DS=2SB,P为AC的中点.求证:(1)∠PBD=30°;(2)AD=DC. affect influence的区别与联系?affect influence词性 区别 联系 应用 can you ( )( )() ( PS2实况足球10背景音乐就是刚刚进去会有一个 两队小孩入场的比赛就像纪录片一样中间还插了一些老明星们的花絮!就是那首歌,歌手的嗓子是哑哑的·· only then did we decide英语语法Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence这里为什么用did,为什么不用一般现在时 mind是什么意思? willing mind 啥意思.2.None of none是什么 词性 mind的意思是什么?英语单词 he always catchs the ball改错 什么是及物动词 及物动词哪些 孔子认为可以终身奉行的一个字是什么,并阐述 如图,四边形ABCD中,AB=BC,角ABC=60度,若P为四边形ABCD内一点,且角APD=120度,请你猜想线段PA,PD,PC之和与线段BD的数量关系,并证明你的结论. 孔子认为可以终身奉行的一个字是仁,并阐述为?最佳答案急用 四边形ABCD中,AB=BC∠ABC=60,若点P为四边形ABCD内一点,且∠APD=120,请你猜想线段PA PD PC之和与线段BD的数量关系,并证明你的结论(下图)详细点,经验证,没有抄错题我看过其他类似问题的答案了, The first thing we may do after you arrive is going to the woods,which are a good place for birds.这句话中第二个are 那后面怎么用a was,doctor,to,young,too,understand,he,the.(连词成句)