
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:42:37
已知x轴上有两点A、B,点A(5,0)在B点左侧,且AB=7,则B坐标为快 The classroom is cleaned (by the students)every day.括号里面的做什么成分啊是状语么?括号里面的做什么成分啊是状语么?如果是状语,那应该是什么状语啊? the classroom —cleaned by some studentthe classroom —cleaned by some students 哪个国家展馆的造型像飞翔的翅膀?A.澳大利亚馆B.斐济馆C.新西兰馆D.库克群岛馆 The classroom is being cleaned.谁能帮我分析一下这句话的结构 一个人在镜子后面的小屋里看一个女人的动静是什么电影呀 “西安事变”对当时的中国有什么影响? There are many p_____ in the fruit shop.该填什么实在想不出来了谢谢 Really want and would never betray rub是什么意思 rub什么意思 英语翻译Dear friends I'm sorry to hear that an earthquake happened to your hometom.The earthquake destroyed you hometome.Lots of houses fell down and some of you can't see your families any more.Please don't feel should believe in the Par 配制溶液玻璃仪器有量筒,烧杯,玻璃棒还有什么 西安事变的解决对国内形势产生了什么影响? 怎样做熟食好吃 做熟食老汤怎样保存 哪里教熟食 刷单中, 刷单是什么意思 误服41%草甘膦异丙铵盐 速求! (a-2)平方-2(-a+3)(-3-a)怎么做? (a+2)(a-3)(a的平方-7)+(2+a)(3-a)(a+3)怎么做?要具体一点! 2(a+3)的二次方-4(a+3)(a-3)+3(a-2)的二次方 I push my face as far up the stairs as I can,then reach my bottom up to the step and hike my che...I push my face as far up the stairs as I can,then reach my bottom up to the step and hike my chest up to the next level.这句是描写一个basketcase i stare at my face and i see nothing new everything seems that before,hold on…… 这是哪首歌的歌词是吉他前奏的~ 人死了之后还有意识吗?真的有天堂吗? 前面2句 雪花漫天而飞,景色渐渐而退,这是什么歌 歌中有一句“漫天飘零的雪花” 是什么歌 a的平方+b的平方=3 a+b=2 ab=几 含有维生素c的物质是什么?3Q 有关生命科学的报道有关生命科学的成就及发展(新闻媒体上的) 有关生命科学的报道3条,不要长的,很短的即可 求关于生命科学的2条报道