
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:06:44
1.对“朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣”理解正确的是( )A.写北方苦寒,用战场的艰苦环境来衬托木兰勇敢坚强的性格.B.以写景来表现北方战场的环境气氛.C.描写边塞阴森、凄凉的战场环境.D.运用对 2011年四级成绩估分 帮我估下分吧8快速阅读 选择5个 填写 3个 听力 短对话3个 短文理解4个 长对话5 个 填词7个 仔细阅读 选词 5个 阅读4个完型 12个 翻译 都写上了作文一般 能过么是不是以上 2011年6月份 四级成绩估分 帮我估计一下分数 正确数:听力 选择 9个 听写单词4个 句子关键词写了几个 我算全错吧!快速阅读 10个 15选10 5个 深度阅读 10个完形填空 12个作文 我感觉一般正常写 求i ll be your man歌词演唱者:james blunt I\'LL BE VERY 索取. 是什么意思 sos sos sos 索稿的索是什么意思各位大哥大姐会的请回答吧 He is from {Cuba}对打括号的部分提问? My mother is the ( ) (busy) in my family. 五句 20篇 l n ls he from cuba 改为同义句为 [ ]he[ ]from cubamy grandparents have many nice pictures改为否定句 一日临帖一日应请索里的应请索是什么意思 一日临帖 一日应索 索仔是什么意思 澳大利亚是怎么过圣诞节的澳大利亚是英国的附属国应该也有过圣诞节的习俗但是12月25日是南半球的夏季他们哪来的雪人,圣诞树呢? 澳大利亚过圣诞节吗?12月25日,北半球的人们在雪花纷飞中迎来圣诞老人的雪橇,而澳大利亚那时正处于盛夏,他们过圣诞节吗夏天怎么可能过圣诞节呢,好奇! 欢乐圣诞:澳大利亚是怎么过圣诞节的 请问诺贝尔奖的历史上能获奖两次以上的人有谁? 海底两万里的读后感怎么写 《海底两万里》的读后感怎么写 海底两万里读后感怎么写 英译汉:brothers and sisters are close as英译汉:brothers and sisters are close as hands and feet. brothers and sisters 第四季谁知道兄弟姐妹第四季什么时候出哈? These are his hands and 帮忙翻译一句话,尤其是when的用法how much money is likely to come into the business when, and how much is going to go out when.when为什么放在句尾?是表示强调还是省略呢?书面语可以这么用么? 英语翻译区别(1):1.Please let me know when the bank opens.2.Please let me know when the bank will open.区别(2):1.We were eating when a friend of mine came to see me.2.When we were eating,a friend of mine came to see me.类似句:1.I had hardly 帮忙解个英语谜语Wath is that we have in December but we don't have in any other month? It's a small picture with teeth around it.It has no feet,but it can travel around the world,What is it?____________________ 照样子,写词语.赤朱丹彤【四个字并列】 When he lost his job,be found himself ( A.deserting B.deserted C.is deserted D.had deserted 正确答案是选B,我想知道为什么,越详细越好, 兴业银行的标志意义是什么?