
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:03:19
begin 和 start 是不是近义词? begin的名词和middle的近义词 begin的近义词 用英语怎么说今天就要 begin的名词形式和动词形态的近义词开始和结束 there will be an important c_____ in the meeting room this afternoon there ___an important meeting in their school next monthhasare tobeis to bewill have 请问泰文"我爱你"怎样写啊? 泰文我喜欢你,怎么说?喜欢了一个男孩,泰国人.我们只用英文交流.下个星期他要回去泰国一段时间了.走之前,想学会“我喜欢你”.希望有人能教我.最好写上泰文,还有拼音教我说啦.不是我爱 "我爱你"用老挝语,泰文,缅甸语分别怎么说?谢谢如果有别的语言说法也可以 请在语言后面注明哪种语言.谢谢写的多有追加. 谁知道泰文的“我喜欢你”和“我爱你”怎么说?最好能发音= =急急急急急呀!(发音就是指…嗯……就是用拼音 声调 啥的%……&*(因为我没有泰文基础 不知道怎么说,等着表白呢~~~拜托各位 家()户() 填近义词的啊·············· 在下面词语中填上同义词或近义词 奇__大__ 家__户__ 一__二__ In the Next Room 歌词 promise的中文意思是什么?promise的中文意思. 两道英语句型转换题1.students will learn two foreign languages if it is necessary.-students will learn two foreign languages _________.2.please announce to your class that there will be no school tomorrow.-please _____________to your class th 英语:两道句型转换题1Those paintings were first shown in Paris.This is the first time those paintings _____ _____ in Paris.2.In the past 10 years,China has sent up several more man-made satellites into space.Several more man-made satellites 英语的两道句型转换题The movie star has lots of features in deed.The movie star () () lots of features.Whatever you give me,I will not trust you.() () () you give me,I will not trust you. 根据汉语意思完成句子:我的好朋友不如我跳得高:My good friend doesn't jump ()()() me. 除了左边之外 left有几种意思? left是什么意思? in english,there is a proverb"promise is second rest me sex哪个发音不同 美剧当中 sex 和 six 读音分别请教我听美剧 ,那个SIX虽然 音标是[siks]但是他们发的不是 C克斯,好像是和SEX很想的音.还有NICK 不是读 力克 好像是 内克 Americans经常把six读成sex?不知诸位作何理解?实在听不出有何不同 列举长的很像的英语单词,eg:six,sax,sex 英语翻译RT回复4楼,是澳洲人说新西兰人啊,哪是我下的结论,乱说 送分题,两道英语句型转换1.It took me two hours to water the garden.(改为同义句)I ___ two hours ___ the garden.2.I used to walk to school.(同上)I often ___ get to school ___ ___ . leave的过去时 leave 的过去时是什么? leave和left怎么用比如你为什么离开,和你为什么离开我. a promise is a promise是哪部电影的经典台词