
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:07:34
We will have a ————exam soon.So we shouldn't play too long on the computers(finally) It was like an old train__ from side to side first and than it began going faster and faster.16.The shabby airplane took off soon.It was like an old train __from side to side first and than it began going faster and faster.A.surrounding B.foregoing C all of his friends discourages him from making such a dangerous investment.请问这句话是否有问题,尤其那个介词 from.另:the stronger the motivation,the more likely it will be that a person will succeed.这句话that引导的是否是 怎么连起来1.Mark2.learn to play the violin3.take violin lessons. move A from 及造句是? 翻译一下这句 I think I perfer horror films to travel stories or love stories 分析一下perfer to 的用法 英语什么文凭是最吃香的就是说,你一拿出手,很都单位都抢着要你的是雅思,和是专八,还是高口,还是别的 The derelict old house across from the warehouses and the even more decrepit one just beside them have been placed on the list of historic landmarks为什么用现在完成‘?》 英语翻译求有创意的翻译,而且要搞笑的,要带有点整蛊的成份,以下三个答案不算哦1.你做了很多孩子的爹.2.你的爹越来越多了.3.爹,摸一摸 为什么every student student不加s,every two hours 加srt. 鲁迅 《风筝》 但我向来不爱放风筝.也没有留心的主要内容是什么2008年9月20日9: 童年的时候最大的快乐和愉快就是做风筝和放风筝.怎么修改病句? 将英文文章翻译成中文,然后将译文发表出来涉及到侵权吗 为什么点不着盛水的纸船为什么用酒精灯点不着盛水的纸船? 纸船在水里怎样载得最重,飘得最远 I am from the U.S.A..后有几个点?the U.S.A.后有一个点可是一个句子最后还有一个句号、到底要写几个点?我写一个点老师也给我√、两个点也给我√... what do you likr to eat meat What's going on?的答句是? what's going on?的答句是啥呀? 戊戌变法代表人物? what's the meaning about "researchable" I don't know the meaning about the word " researchable" .Please help me! 是什麼因素影响水蒸气凝结成霜还是雾的?.谢, 思念之情早已成霜是什么意思 “Wherever you go,find something about the places you visit. ”What meaning is this?Wherever you go,find something about the places you visit. 这句话是什么意思? 空气中的水分在什么条件下凝结成霜,而不是凝结成水? 急 英语完型填空!Early every morning,a shepherd took his sheep out into the fields to eEarly every morning,a shepherd took hissheep out into the fields to eat grass.Then he would sit down,31 them.After they had eaten he would walk backhome 32 h 阮郎归 晏几道有哪些? 晏几道的《阮郎归》的意思是:“天边金掌露成霜,云随雁字长.绿杯红袖趁重阳,人情似故乡.兰佩紫,菊簪黄,殷勤理旧狂.欲将沉醉换悲凉,清歌莫断肠.”这四句的意思 Do you want_____(some)meat?选什么为什么?Do you want_____(some)meat?选什么为什么?详细点语法快快快快比如为什么不加to? 中文名发音同“楚樱” ,求英文名,希望给人的感觉是简约 大方 美丽的,最好跟中文名发音想象,但是不要太如题.希望名字不要太大众化了,走到哪里都有人用的不要哦特别说明,不要Cherry,被E 请列举鸦片战争至戊戌变法期间中国社会新思想的发展状况、代表人物及其主要内容. Shadow Diary是什么意思