
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:27:06
四年级下推荐几本复习书. 在湖南有一个地方叫蒲圻.请问这个“圻”是念YIN还是念QI,这是个多音字.哪位大哥大姐高诉我啊哥们,我知道查字典,因为在字典上没有解决才来这里问的,也别去浪费口水了, 蒲圻是哪里? 蒲圻在湖北哪里 全面一点的 明朝嘉靖二十六年进士都包括谁若没有具体名单,那就越多越好, 英语首字母填空题求解 My brother will s_ in their affects英语首字母填空题求解 My brother will s_ in their affects to stop smaking 1,Most animals don't like to live in,f_ conditions.2Many c_ reached to top of the mountains this morn 明朝成华年是谁当皇帝 空方气势较盛什么意思 空方反抽什么意思 I guarentee it is of first place.it is of 这是什么用法?此句是省略THAT的宾语从句么? 炮是什么? Please call Gina_______0513-5565655. Please call me when Gina ____(get)to Beijing 定情信物送什么好呢? 贫瘠近义词 you is who?语法正确吗? 找近义词:贫瘠、凶猛、待弄 中国结--方胜结 什么意思? He is working harder than-----------选择题.A.ever B.every.C.alaways D.usually.我认为应该是usual.但是没有这个选项, 蚕宝宝为什么一动也不动?而且还扁扁的? 这是什么草?叶子扁扁!几个成一个扁片扇形 比劫重重,必有争夺之势,力争方胜. 贫瘠的近义词 saber电路仿真 error the initial point “dc” has been created with a different design 怎么解决啊? 有什么特殊一点的比较有意义的定情信物?不是现实中的,是小说用的 it has been associated with an increase in error,which can be translated into an unsafe work environment.4596 关于定情信物,选什么好哪额…过几天男朋友要来看我咯…他说,让我想想,抽一天时间逛街,买属于我们的定情信物…额,不知道怎么办呢, 求如何选择定情信物要有意义点的.贵的无所谓,意义最重要.!求高手教教.~ Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day(同义句转换)回答 It ----Jackie____ ____ _____study and work every day Jackie stuied and worked 19 hours a day的同义句 The old professor worked many hours a day he became seriously ill.The old professor worked many hours a day he became seriously ill.A.although B.even if C.though