
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:12:04
"亟"的读音是什么,该怎么理解 亟缪的读音和意思是什么? 亟读音是什么 scooter怎末解释 三个日组成"晶(jing) ";三个水组成"淼(miao)";三个方组成什么字及拼音? You will send the black tips for this order only when you will send white tips,I will get the supplier details from Leo for the white tips for you. Do not worry.I will send you the email___________.A.as soon as possibleB.as soon as possiblyC.as soon as canD.as quick as possible but when i was send voice i was said the only girl who know english msg Maybe,there is something,I really don't understand..Maybe,there is something,I really don't understand..另外.30分奖励.. 英语翻译将下列段子翻译成英文,千万不能中国化丫!浅谈人机学赋予儿童玩具的生命力摘要随着科技的飞速发展,技术的进步,生活节奏的加快,各种玩具产品琳琅满目,应接不暇,在人们日渐注重 Don't speak,I see.There is something wrong with your brain 里的对白!He sits back down defeated again这里的defeated是什么意思?词典里查的是”打击”的意思,而且是个动词,我觉得很不是很对! 六人行英语对话!六人行 又名 老友记 中 有没有关于预订酒店的对话? chile,是哪个国家? Chile翻译成中文,国家名字 Santiago, 上书REPUBLICA DE CHILE的1比索是哪国的 chile可以造什么句子 planted right in my yard翻译直译意译 i have left stars behind me 直译和意译是什么? He looked sad because he failed ______(pass)the exams 老友记的对白老友记中有一集,ross认识了一位黑人美女,而她的前男友是ross的上司,前男友为了和黑人美女复合刁难ross,给他出了几道难题,其中一道是一个很复杂的单词,那个单词是什么? 两个正有理数,如何相加?举例说明 英语翻译我也不是看不懂,只是功力不够,看起来好吃力,所以求高人翻译下,献上所有积分 it is because he was too conceited___he failed in the interviewA.that B.so that C.then D.therefore 英语作文~把句子转化为间接引语.My name is Helien.I'm from Canada.I'm 14 years old.I'm in China now.I have a good friend here.Her name is Lingling.She si 14 years old,too.Lingling and I both like seeing filems.We often go to the cinema at Nice to meet you 中的nice可以换成:A:Well B:Giad C:Fine 用赋值法解决抽象函数问题时,所选用的数值有没有规律可循?(最好举例说明!) 有关“六人行”中的一句对白?第一季第一集中I had a major crush on you.字幕翻译为迷死你了.但是字典上crush on you是对您着迷.正确翻译是什么,还有就是为什么这里要用major. 问一句friends里面的对白第二集里,ROSSG告诉她妹妹他的同性恋妻子怀孕了,MONICA相当吃惊,然后ROSS说了句.yeah,do that for another two hours,you might be where i am right now.这句话太太解释得清楚.还有一句moni Thatman,I chooce to let you go to the other side to waitingfor me to fine you.回答下 求【you be along with me】英文歌词,不要中文对照~