
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:54:30
Betty met a friend of (she,her ,hers)in the street.选哪个 为什么不说为什么不给分 she asked me what_in the street outsideA.was carrying withB.was making outC.was doing outD.was going on该选什么? She enjoys ___ down the streetA.sheB.herC.hersD.herself let's have a surprise party for him.同义句求高人let's have a party to_____ ______ 题上的格式 surprise party.为什么要用surprise?可以这么理解吗?意思就是这个派队的名称是“惊喜派队”,而如果用surprising party意思是令人惊喜的派队? I' m having a surprise party .为什么要把ing加在have后? have a surprise party中surprise是什么词在初中英语课本看到的.为何不用surprising. have a surprise 爱哭的孩子要睡觉这句歌词是哪首歌里的 “我是中国人,我爱中国.”这句话在文中先后出现了三次,你觉得这样写有什么好处? 各色美丽的鲜花在春日的阳光中开放.(运用比喻手法把句子写具体、生动) 春天,明媚的阳光下,鲜花竞相开放.改写拟人句大哥大姐,小弟不才, 各色美丽的鲜花在春日的阳光中开放.使这句话更生动. 各色美丽的鲜花在春日的阳光中开放.(让他们“活”起来使句子的更生动,更形象.) 春天,明媚的阳光下,鲜花竞相开放.(改写成拟人句) we had fun at the party last night.改为同义句 —How was the English evening party last night?—It was great fun.You ______ come.A.should B.must C.may D.can we had a great time at the party last night.改写句子 we—— —— at the party last night.空格中填2单词 we had great fun()at the party A.sing and dance B.singing and dancing C.sang and danced D.to sing and dance 关于睡觉诗句 想你难入眠诗句 表示要睡觉的词语比如说“我要就寝了,我要上床了,我要晚安了”之类的 求与睡觉有关的词语?越多越好,就是形容睡觉睡得很香的词语 怎样把‘树上开满了花’变成比喻句? 《要求某人做某事》 求多种英文表达方法. 应该做某事 英语 有哪几种表达 Alice,where did you go last night?I was asked to go to Tom's birthday party为什么不是have been asked? 英文翻译It seemed that Tom didn't go to the party last ningt.Tom seemed_ _go to the party last nigh If you hadn't gone with Tom to the party last night,__________.A.you won't have missed JoanB.you will have met JoanC.you would have met JoanD.you would meet Joan alreadyA和C有什么不同, Tomorrow is Tom's birthday .Have you got any ideas ___the party is to be the held?A what B which C that D where 英语!求四大洋名称的英语单词翻译?要准确的. 一个英语问题:请写出星期一到星期日,一月到十二月,五大洲,四大洋总共28个英语单词写出中文一一对应