
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:37:33
full leaf black 把(my I 5:10 at do homework usually)组成句子 写问句:I usually do my homework on Saturday.这个是答句,要写问句 He said he thinks 还是 He said he thought The little girl thought of what her mother had said.本句有错吗? 描写晚香玉 有没有好一点的绕口令 人的分类,人属于什么类,什么纲,什么属,什么科,什么门 晚上时,植物"夜来香"释放出的气体是否有毒? A man goes to a pet shop one day with a big and very ugly dog.这文章谁可以查到,十万火急~速度啊是短文开头 哥哥姐姐,叔叔阿姨们,这是韦博的作业,1.Prepare a radio weather report for three international cities in different areas.You should tell the current weather,and give the forecast for the next three days.Be sure to talk about the temperat object的反义词,imaginative的反义词,light的过去式最好只改变形式,选自新概念第二册一课一练综合测试七,晚上要上课…… hung与hanged的 I need an hour to do my homework every day(同义句转换) They are going to Shanghai tomorrow(同义句转换) 夜来香为什么晚上才香~为什么夜来香在晚上才会散发浓烈的香味~而且这种香味对蚊虫还有一定的作用~对人有什么不良的影响吗~ what are you going to do tomorrow homework?回答 夜来香为什么等到晚上才回香为什么呢? 月见草为什么在夜间绽放? I am free toningt. I needn't do my homework. I am going to read (n ). 灵长类动物现在生活在哪儿?只要大致地点就行了比如说哪里的热带雨林或哪儿哪儿之类的 Looking down at his oid shoes ,he feit sorry for himself. i don't agree with what you said ,这句话里的don't agree with 可以换成against 为什么, 爱是汹涌澎湃,无由窥其所来,无由测其所终. 什么叫pride gets in the way? "汹涌澎湃"中的"澎湃"是什么意思 bask in the warm feeling his pride always brought me The boy l___ his way,he cried in the street 用“北国风光,漫天飞舞.”造句用“北国风光,漫天飞舞,纷纷扬扬,银装素裹”写一段话用“北国风光,漫天飞舞,纷纷扬扬,银装素裹”连起来写一段话 用(满天飞舞、笼罩、不约而同)造句 I served the man who was wearing a hat.这句语法有没有错?有错错在哪里,有人说对也有说错 什么是汹涌澎湃? don\'t cook his goose