
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:23:15
问几个西班牙语问题1、“特产”西班牙语怎么说2、¡Qué asco!这句话算不算是脏话,怎么理解它3、“西班牙有什么好吃的?”这句话的翻译Muchas gracias! Matters are a lot better than ever before.ever before这2个词是什么修饰关系?ever与before分别是什么词性?pron?adv?conj? better than ever 有一首歌用better than ever 做名字, until引导的时间状语从句,如果从句用了一般现在时,主句用什么?一般现在时可以吗? 是不是只有时间与条件的状语从句才用一般现在时或现在完成时,其他状语从句就不遵循主将从现? when引导的时间状语从句可以主句从句都用一般现在时吗? making things什么意思 Make things right 什么意思谢谢! 请问Make use of old things是什么意思 柳市哪里有学英语的,我想学英语做外贸,我们公司很多人做外贸的,工资提成很高 有关要加入summer camp的英语短文 a ticket _____the game能用for么 翻译I think we’re almost there.K: I think we’re almost there.A: Absolutely. We can go for a deal now.K: I do want them to understand that we select the staff we need.A: Absolutely. 20.是条件状语从句,主句将来时从句现在时,if引导是从句 They are( )tomorrow.怎么回答 相应的话是Oh,don;t forget we have a math exam tomorrow. Uncle Wang _____(like)making things.怎么变 外贸人如何选择学英语?我是做外贸单证的,这2年让我对整个外贸出口一块的操作流程有了详细的了解,现在想转入业务行业,但我英语水平功底比较低,觉的语言会是我的阻力,我不知道从何学起 职场人士学英语选什么材料比较好? 洛基英语天才计划初中生学到几级合适呢 我是零基础 还有这个课程是在YY上面上课的吗 手机可以上么? 有人上过洛基英语的天才计划吗,觉得咋样? 洛基英语 天才计划是怎样的?哪位同学去参加过的说说具体情况. Sorry,I can't go hiking with you.I have to prepare well enough for the entrance-exam.____!We can hike together next time.A.Don't say so B.Congratulations C.Good luck D.No problem答案是C,为什么不能选A 洛基英语天才计划是怎么回事?有谁了解的. 什么时候用现在完成时?说得通俗一点不要长篇大论哦 ________ an important meeting tomorrow, I have to prepare for it.A. There is B. There will be C. There being D. There to be 花5000报了洛基国际英语天才计划, They will leave____America____the evening____November 1.They will leave____America____the evening____November 1 .A.for ; on ; of B.to ; in ; if C.to ; on ; of D.for ; in ; on求答案及解析 PLEASE! i have a test tomorrow 变i have ----- ----- tomorrow同义句百度知道 could you tell me()? A what do i need to care aboutAwhat do i need to care aboutBwhat they are talking with mr liCwhy he hates to be like othersDif he is good enough to go out of hospital 顺便问一下he is ready to help others anytime 还是any ti could you tell me what to do it可以吗?那个it要不要加, Don't____,no one will hurt you.A.afraid B.frighten C.fear D.nervous请详细说明每一个选项,说明每个选项错在哪里 特别是D项:不要紧张,没有人会伤害你的 A maths question有9个自然数它们的和是61去掉最大的与最小的数它们的和是49问:把这9个数从小到大排列,第2个自然数是什么请说明为什么