
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:10:03
深圳居民用水的价格为每立方米2.3元.小明家2月份攻击那税费22.54元.小明家2月份用水多少立方米? I made him play the piano.(变为被动语态) 我们生活中的衣、食、住、行、生活环境、疾病等有关的各种生物 黄河之水哪里来?天上来 黄河之水哪里来?如题 people change,memories do not 地道的翻译 This moment will nap,you will have a dream.But this moment study,you will interpret a dream. 乾 为了鼓励居民节约用水,某市对居民生活用水收费作如下规定,在每月用水限额内,每吨水费为1.3元,对超过限用水按2.9元/吨收费,一户三口之家上个月用水12吨,交费22元,设每月用水量以整吨计 We will be the person he'd hate 'dream the wake up! 1 Maybe.I t____it will be i___.2 Of course.When do you h____this l____?On M___?根据首字母和句子意思将话中的单词补充完整. Maybe we will be sorry one Does your character play the piano? 找错误,并改正 1.My sister likes play the piano 2.What does your father does?3.Draws an apple please.4.He is going buy a new English book. What does your sister usually do on Sunday?(用play the piano 回答) 我们人类的根本动机是什么? Tom,__bicycle I went to the concert ,is a friend of mineA.whom B.who C.whose D.on whose为什么选D, Tom,__I went to the concert,is a friend of mineA.whomB.whoC.with whichD.whose选C或D有何区别?选哪个但是我想问一下with whom不是等于whose吗 If I have a dream ,I will be better than now, 故宫博物院 黄传惕给这篇文章分段.段意说出,段落里分层次,说出层意! As we will not have later?Maybe!This is your choices, It's just a dream.Maybe you don't want to wake up now but it really has gone,disappeared... 佛山气候环境怎么样? 中国哪些城市不处于地震带又气候不太潮湿? 长江上游的主要环境问题是____解决措施主要有____ 我国地处世界两大火山地震带___&___是一个多地震的国家 Every day I play the piano on two hours.哪里有错误? 铁水脱硫后兑入转炉前为什么必须扒渣? 铁水脱硫的渣铁分离怎么做? 月球上有水的存在吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 谁能帮我翻译一下?Are you a musician?Can you sing?Can you dance?Can you play the piano? 故宫博物院 全文很简单 要快我要人教版《故宫博物院》的全文.周传惕写的那个. 为什么说铁水脱硫比钢水脱硫优越 防汛物品包括有哪些?