
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:00:30
a bad storm.what does his teacher probably think about the weather?a,it was the same as the past.b they were not lucky this year .c rain is good for plants.d the weather may be bad next year toowhen ice nelt at the poles,it.a causus b gets warm c goe are you students?yes ane快对空处填单词 Are you a student?Yes,I'm.(这句话哪里错了,怎样订正) Are you all students?提问,怎么回答,yes,we...No...we 2,the eve if Spring Festival 前用On为什么are you all students?Yes,...选择A,we are all,B we all are C we aren't all D all aren't 如图,已知反比例函数y=k/x的图像经过第二象限内的点A(-1,4),AB⊥x轴与点B;若直线y=ax+b经过点A,并且经过反比例函数y=k/的图像上另一点C(m,-2).问:P为平面内一点,写出以点A,B,C,P为顶点的平 已知关于x的一元二次方程x²-(K+2)x+2k=0(1)求证:无论k取任何实数值,方程总有实数根(2)若等腰三角形ABC的一边长a=1,另两边长b、c恰好是这个方程的两个根,求△ABC的周长 【few】How often do you go to the library?--______.B.Every few days C.Each third day D.Every a few days 请问为什么是b啊, on weekends ,we often go to the library oron weekends ,we often go to the library or()on the computer togetherA.watch B.workC.readD.get I go to library very often.我第一次看见过这样的句子,often放在句末.often是频度副词不是应该放在行前be后的吗? how often do you go to the library?是特殊疑问句巴 有又香又脆这个词吗 步绿匆匆这个词语对不对 有 翠绿绿 怎么腌黄瓜又脆又绿 解方程计算题需要过程和解一道是一道写好的给评分 9x的三次-27x的平方 用两个反义词组成一个三个字的词语 例:问答题 阴阳图 盈亏表一共要4个!!!!!!!! 用两个反义词组成一个新词,比如答问题 谁能给我出102到解方程,请写好计算过程,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!十万火急啊!请快一点,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 解方程:十万火急!· ___ ·|||x/4=(2x-18)/5 15x-10(10-x)=100 5x+(2.1-8x)/5X8=1.8 4x-(300-3x)=40X3 3x-5+2x=4x-3 解方程和简便计算,紧急2x-4=8.618.7+6.25+3.75+1.317.5除以0.125除以810.2+9.8除以0.72.5乘(4+0.4) 解方程和计算题 十万火急(32-5a)b+25分之2ax5x7b =32b×34% 解方程 求a的值 三分之一【x-二分之一(x+1)】=六分之一(x-二分之一) 计算题 谁帮我解一个高次方程啊32X^4-48X^3+18X^2+X+1=0我急用啊 解方程:48X+54=18X+60 5+3X=17.6-X 0.125x(X+3)=1 完成后在给悬赏... x-3分之2-18x=9分之x+2 怎么解 您是如何用程序做的.X=?时,32X^4-48X^3+18X^2+X+1的值等于0.975 They often talk in the library.(就in the library 提问)He must remain in bed for another two days.(就for another two days提问)You must keep the room warm(就keep the room warm提问) 已知a+2b+3c=20a+3b+5c=31,则a+b+c的值是() grass这个单词是对的吗? 用所给的单词,两个一组组成新词work,work,house,home grass后面加一个词,agent前面加一个单词,组成两个新词,这个词是什么? 4题 7题 8题怎么写?