
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:33:50
太阳的光可以让月亮看不见吗 月球的光是太阳给的?既然月球的光是太阳光照射月亮反射出来的,那么晚上的时候没太阳,为什么月亮还能有光可以反射出来呢,这时候太阳应该在月亮的背面啊,应该是找不到这边的啊 我有一次听说晚上月亮发出的光的紫外线要比白天太阳的厉害,不知是否如此? 爱迪生是得到什么启示才发明了电灯谁如果知道答案请打88348666,或直接留言, I do not see her,and I do not know where is she gone.我没有看见她,还有我也不知道她去了哪里.如上面翻译成那样的英文对吗?1,第一句中的宾语用her对吗?2,第二句where is she gone还是用陈述句where she is gone?3 爱迪生受何启发发明电灯 whereis she?怎么转换为do you know where she is 读了 爱迪生发明电灯 有什么启发 do you know where she had gone?哪里做错了? I don't know where is she from & I don't know where she is from 哪个对?我感觉第一个对 请问"1957年"是什么事件? Where is Mary?She is.shopping答案是has gone,is going为什么不可以?正在购物 -Where is Mary?-She is( )A getting dressed B putting on C wearing D getting on 选哪个 为什么 where is mary [ ]she is in the librarya perhaps b may be 初中生的有益书籍到了初中以后我都没怎么看过书现在看书的兴趣都不浓了 很想兴致勃勃地读一本让自己豁然开朗的书啊最好有一些情节 但是很能长知识的(我不看言情的或武侠的) 欧盟营养标签9+1是指哪些项目? Here is a letter___you.Who is it___?A.from;to;to C.for;from D.for;for 对青少年的生活和学习有益的书 here is a letter for you.who is it ( 填什么么介词, 用英语写你平时在家是怎么做家务的 here is a letter for you和here is a letter to you 什么区别 48音标? 补全对话 Mark:Where is she?Is( )at the library? Jane:( ),she is in the living room.Jane:She's doing ( )homework.And that's my brother.Mark:What's he eatingJane:He is watching a scary movie( )TV and( )French fries.This is picture of my aun where is MARY?she ____ in the cinema an hour agosaw sees is seen was been 一道关于情态动词的英语题: -Where is Mary? -She _ in her classroom.-Where is Mary? -She _ in her classroom.A. must be B. should be C. can be D. must have been答案是A.我想知道B为什么不对. welcome back to school.请问这算什么句型,有没有主语谓语宾语 Welcome back to school是什么意思快 welcome back to school 和welcome to school 哪个对 Welcome back to school.中文 Welcome back to school. Mary isn't.She ( )letter in her badroom.(write)适当形式填空 Here's a letter..的复数形式是什么?