
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:18:45
写一个有关春天的拟人句. 三角梅的传说与含义是什么 She didn'trecognized him until he took off his glasses变成半倒装 She didn't sleep until 2:00am 这里的until是直到..才 还是在..之前的意思?我觉得都讲的通啊 The girl stopped ____(说话)when she met her friend in the street While traveling in English,she met a friend of hers.请问这是什么从句?可否写成.,which she met a friend of hers. 春天像什么仿写.(拟人句) 请问这是什么从句?While traveling in English,she met a friend of hers.可否写成.,which she met a friend of hers. She( )into an old friend in the street.How to fill the blank? 摘三角梅的作文,600字. 三角梅托物言志作文300字~500字 我爱三角梅这篇文章采取了怎么样的结构方式安排内容 夏感,找出课文中三至五个你让为精彩的比喻句和拟人句,品味它们的表达效果. 三角梅作文500字,观察三角梅它的形状,多少片花瓣,还有它的资料等等. 三角梅 作文,要写出精神 以“朝阳”为内容,写一个比喻句和拟人句 像又干净又暖和这样的词有哪些?象既舒服又安全这样的词有哪些? 干干净净这样的词语有哪些 像高高兴兴干干净净这样的词还有哪些有用 He asked me what was___in the street outside.A.going on B.happend C.taken place D.come about she can only stay at home today句型语法正确吗? (She) is walking down the street.括号部分提问 she enjoys_____(walk)down the street he____(share)a house with other students tomorrow___(be)mill she e walking down the street e首字母填空 she gazed down at the steaming neighborhood street...gaze down at 是短语么 还是?steaming做什么意思 用蜡烛分别写比喻句和拟人句谢谢! She enjoys the quiet street.(改为否定句) 暖和,这个词里“和”的发音? 用一个比喻句形容地球的美丽 如果使用贵公司这个词,那是指本公司还是指别的公司? 怎样使脚暖和? 如何才能使脚暖和一点一到冬天,脚的温度只能用冰来形容,太恐怖了,连自己的手都不敢去碰脚,要怎么才能让它暖和啊