
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:20:16
中学数学,几何题目,谢谢!为什么三角形ABC的3条边长是7,8,9,那么它的面积是 12根号,谢谢!上面的面积应该是12根号5,为什么? 中学数学几何类型题现有一矩形ABCD和一等腰直角三角形BEF按如图所示位置放置(AB和BE重合),其中AB=25,AD=48将△BEF绕点B顺时针旋转a°(0<a<90°),在旋转过程中,EF与AD交于点G,如图(1)求证 These are my friends怎么改为一般疑问句?并作肯定回答? They're are good friend变成一般疑问句 改为一般疑问句 1.Mr Green has a volleyball. __Mr Green__a volleyball? 2.They are my good friends.改为一般疑问句1.Mr Green has a volleyball.__Mr Green__a volleyball?2.They are my good friends.___ ___your good friends? They are my good friends.改为一般疑问句和否定句. 方程lxl-1=根号下{1-(y-4)^} 所表示的曲线是 两个半圆 帮我解一下这种三阶幻方 中间是-10,每行每列三数和为0,要四种解法 在三阶幻方里填入适当的数,已知中间数为-10,使每行每列的三个数之和均为0(要3种答案)在三阶幻方里填入适当的数,已知中间数为-10,使每行每列的三个数之和均为0.要3种答案!要3种答案! 将-10,-8,-6,-4,-2,0,2,4,6填到三阶幻方中,使每行三个数,每列三个数,斜对角三个数之和相等 一道中学数学几何题矩形周长为2,将它绕其一边旋转一周,所得圆柱体积最大时的矩形面积为()A 4/27 B 2/3 C2/9 D27/4要详解 She is busy preparing a dinner for some good friends of hers.hers是不是her的宾格? a friend of her还是a friend of hers Some of my friends are dancing in the park(对Some of my friends提问)----- ----- in the park?两条横线 要上下册都有 分开的 求上册的教学计划再有就是 上下册的教参 苏教版小学《科学》四年级上册期末重点复习题 六角幻方的公式规律是什么请问大家六角幻方有什么公式规律吗? 谁知道六角幻方 求出幻方中的x.(幻方中每列、每行及每斜行的数加起来的和相等) 画图写上来求出幻方中的x.(幻方中每列、每行及每斜行的数加起来的和相等) 画图写上来 My parents went to birthday party yesterday,__ me alone at home.A.leave B.to leave C.leaving D.left请高手给个确切的答案,再讲下其中的语法知识, I with my feiends went to Ann's home for a birthday party.语法有错误吗?快速,I with my feiends went to Ann's home for a birthday partyI with my feiends went to 意思为:我和我的朋友去了安的家里参加生日聚会 I went to a party with my friends,but I went home( )an hour because it's boring A in B after I would like to j___ my friends to my birthday party.中,——上填什么 a birthday party,had,at my home,l 苏教版四年级下册科学教学计划 几何题 On my birthday I got some presents.的同意句some 可以换为那两个单词? my mother gave me some flowers on my birthday(变否定句 i eat the birthday cake_____my birthday with some friends填空 i bought some presents for my friend.画着presents如何提问,some摆在哪? 一道几何题,在△ABC中,∠ABC=100°,∠C的平分线交AB边于E,在AB边上取点D,使得∠CBD=20°,连结DE,求∠CED的度数 求河北人民出版社科学四年级上册教案和教学计划求四年级上册上海科技教育出版社,科技活动,教案!